I do thank you for not raging, and actually explaining your stance in this post. It's very rare to see that in an anti-donor statement. This being said, I do apologize if any of the following comes off as rude.
Now, in your post you said that donors kick to troll. We donate to have the power to kick to play easier. Your acting like the entire system is made to give donors a right to troll, but the truth is a donor cannot kick more than once every 2-3 minutes, so you can't join, leave, rejoin to troll.
Secondly, you said all new donor system threads are instantaneously shot down by donors. Is this some secret alliance of donors to keep our OP-ness? No. Most ideas are very simplistic and deserve to be shot down. I try to be civil as possible in my responses to these threads, but its hard. That's why in many anti-donor posts you see many people getting angry, because usually the thread is "DONERs R GAY! Dey aways KICK ME AND THIS IS SH*T I'M GONNA QUIT UR SRVERS IF U DNT BAN ALL OF THE DNERS!". I try to help while shooting it down. Not because I'm power hungry, but because in many cases the idea won't work. Most of the disrespectful donors can be found in-game, if you catch a donor acting against the rules and trolling in a server, take a picture and report them.
No you say that donors only do a miniscule thing for the servers, but this isn't true. The servers are kept alive 33.3% by donors, 33.3% regular players, and 33.3% mods and admins. Without donors we wouldn't have the money to run servers, without normal players we wouldn't have reason to buy donor at all, or the same mass amount of players. This being said, saying donors aren't crucial is a blatant lie, without donors we would have no where near enough money to run 100+ servers. You also said donors shoot down all good ideas on fixing the system, again not true. I've supported many of these ideas, donors usually just shoot down the "GET RD OF DONERS NAO!" ideas because they won't work. I'm fine with many of the fix donor ideas, you made a generalization in your post.
I really agree with this actually, I loath the donors who treat regular players like dirt. All players and donors are to be treated the same, donors have no right to act like elitists, if you see a donor acting like an a**hole to regular players, be sure to report them. Again, this is another massive generalization, and it isn't great to post on the forums. Most of the forum donors are very civil. Leave us be.
All that said, donors are hear to stay, but a change in the system is needed. I always post this on anti-donor threads, so here's a bulleted list on how to more easily join -
Without donors, you could not play on these servers. Servers cost money, they are not run off of Chads PC. With 100+ servers as well as a website, 1000's of dollars are needed to run them all. No Donors = No servers. No servers = Everyone is sad. Please realize this. I know it can be tough to get on the servers, but there are some ways to much more easily avoid donor kicks and get on quicker. Please note, the for this tips to work add all of the servers applicable to you into your servers page.
- Refreshing - This doesn't always work very well, but try to refresh, then scroll over the list looking for a server not in lobby, but in endgame. Refreshing more, keep going to the server you found in endgame. Continue to refresh until the server resets and goes into lobby. Join as fast as possible.
- Later numbered servers - One of the more effective methods is to keep a close eye on servers 30-40. Most donors join the first server they see open (generally 1-20.) That means that your much less likely to get kicked on later numbered servers.
- Playtime - This one is rather undesirable, but works if you really want to play. Try joining at unusual playtimes. Staying up later or getting up earlier to play works, as less people are playing so servers fill up slower and less donors join.
- Country hopping - This is similar to the previous suggestion. Try joining countries from other servers for non-prime times in their countries. While it may be dark in say, EU and less people are playing, it may still be mid-day for US. This being said if you play cross-country you can join servers that are less full while it's still day.
- Donating is always the best option, but I realize not every one can.