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MCJackson's MCSG Story


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello friends, boys and girls, go grab a sweet glass of lemonade and prepare to stay for awhile. For I am going to share with you a story... my story to be exact. And tell you about my adventures of being a part of this wonderful community and how I got to where I am now.

April 2012
A younger MCJackson was living his normal life: going to school, doing extra curricular activities, and playing minecraft. Months preceding April of 2012 I had been in a faction server phase where I couldn't get enough and I loved the Idea of forming a faction, making a team base, and raiding other bases. After hard work of making over eight different bases. Each took a lot of work and it was really depressing when they would be destroyed one morning when I go to check the base. One day I got home from school to see my brother StealthyxNinja playing a minecraft server I had never seen before. He said I should go and join us10.mcsg.in I decided to check it out and realized this is just like the Hunger Games! I had just recently seen that movie in theaters and really enjoyed it and to be able to play it in a video game I love would be really cool. I waited for that game to end and watched a tribute win the first hunger games I had ever watched. We then were all teleported to the lobby. This is when the only map was Survival Games 1 so I got to play that map. All of a sudden we were teleported back to the arena and on the pedestals to start. I didn't know what to think. I was so excited to get to play my first game ever on the hunger games. The countdown soon began. 5...4...3...2...1..Go! I ran away from corn, taking after what I learned from the movie. I had no idea where any chests were so by the first night I had nothing while others, because tier 2's held diamond armor, were set to win the game. Mobs were turned on back then (which I really liked) and I was stuck sitting in a tree for the entire first night. I waited for the sun to rise then was on my merry way. I ended up loosing because I didn't run into anyone until deathmatch when I still had nothing. But my heart was racing and I could not wait to play more!

May 2012
I decided that I really liked these servers and I wanted to become a part of this community. I began to become more active on the forums, the only posts I had before that were noob posts about donors and saying how I couldn't join. I soon joined the teamspeak server mcsg had set up. There I met a lot of welcoming and friendly people who were always wanting to talk to me. One person in particular Toa-Rex Who I am still friends with today. We would have our adventures playing on the exciting and adventurous survival games servers. Survival Games 2 soon came out and I had a blast playing on that map. It is still one of my favorites today because I find it really cool to play on a city map like that.

June 2012
This community has been getting better and better. I began to meet even more people. I even decided to join my first clan. It was called No1Greater. BigMike4Life was the leader. He was fun to talk to. Although he could become out of hand at times, he is still a friendly person to talk to one on one. Live streams were happening every Friday and we would also have karaoke Fridays. This was a community that everyone wanted to be a part of and it was still only the beginning of something big.

July 2012
Pretty much the same thing as June. Still having a lot of fun. I even began to try to introduce my friends to these servers. They weren't too fond of the idea of playing hunger games in minecraft so they pretty much turned it away but that was okay there were plenty of friendly people on these servers and I was still having so much fun on these servers.

August - September 2012
I met a new mcsg player who I still talk to to this day, Jstame . Together Jstame , Toa-Rex , and I would rule the servers playing on all the maps as a team winning a majority of the matches. These servers would never get old with all the updates and new ideas implemented into the servers. We also ran along two at the time moderators who we would always be playing with, VikkiAnn and zachislegit . They were the creators of yellowstone and always a pleasure to talk to.


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
October 2012
This is a big month for me. I had recently in the past been denied twice with my moderator apps. The first one was the email version and I never was selected. The second time was the forum kind and it was lacking a lot of detail. I then decided I would post and try one more time. I hadn't received a response for a month or two now so I began to forget about it and ended up getting iron donor when my friend Toa-Rex bought it for me. Less than a week after I got donor, I got a response to my mod app. I had an interview! I was so excited. I couldn't wait to get to talk to some of the members of the Sr. Staff. I had also met a new friend on here who was a mod, slasherxtreme . He is a funny little asian fellow and is a wise friend to this day who helped me a lot when I became a moderator.

November 2012
I had my interview right at the beginning of the month. It was earlier than it was supposed to because both Aeruner and BowlOSoup were on and decided they would knock out a few interviews before the weekend when they would do the rest. Me and Tironas11 were interviewed and both were accepted. This is when I began to connect with the staff and they are all really friendly people and are always available to help. I was becoming more of a member of the community where some people began to look up to me as an example.

December - January 2012 - 2013
Me, Ecmep , kricken , and Shadi A.T. Chammout decided to squad up within the staff and formed "The A Team". It wasn't much, just a little name for our little group we had and we would play together as "The A Team" dominating the servers, bringing hackers to justice, and having fun while playing together.

February - April 2013
Yes, I know this part is short. Believe me, a lot happened in these months. It is late and it mostly consists of me meeting new people and enjoying this community more and more. Today marks my year anniversary of playing MCSG and I love this community dearly. You all are the best. Look forward to more as I plan my adventures to continue throughout this year. <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoooxoxoxoxooxooxox

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