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Dwarf Survival - Survival map


Apr 29, 2012
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I just noticed that I was the only one really working on War of Atharon, so I am turning back to the community for a smaller map, probably drawing more attention. Maybe it even can draw builders to my team?

I know what I was doing wrong now.
War of Atharon was just a too massive project for a new team, none really hoped for a new team to able to create that project.

I am the type of guy, what make Massive plans for my ideas, before even starting them.

My idea is a special type of Survival Map, where you are supposed to help a Dwarven City survive different types of attacks, from Zombies, Dragons and Trolls to Undeads and Evil Spirits of old dwarf kings.

You can mine only in special areas, where it is mostly gravel and ores, so you have to upgrade the gravel to cobble, then to stonebrick, then to iron blocks and last to bedrock with trading.

You are also allowed to cut wood in the forest before it gets burned down.

You will NOT be allowed to craft anything.

We are planning for you to be able to hire dwarves to do things for you, like mining, woodcutting and farming, but you will not be able to see them, just hear them and get the stuff.

There will also be shopkeeper dwarves, naturally.

The texture pack is being worked on right now, it will mostly be default with a more medival and dwarven them.

A example of different things we are going to create, is re-textured dragons, and on top it will be minecarts with invisible spawners spawning fire, tnt and seldom lava. On top of that again it will be a zombie. (It will look like the minecart is a iron saddle, and the zombie is sitting in it)

But I am not going to spoil too much, so if you want to know more, contact me!
(Either on the forums, on skype my name is zukodark or email [email protected])

Then to joining, go here!


Yeah of course you can! But you have to wait to this evening before my server is up.

I need to repay for it again
Ah ok <3 Whats the texture pack for the server called? I accidently clicked no to download the pack and now I don't know which one to install, but I suggest making everything in default though.


Apr 29, 2012
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Ah ok <3 Whats the texture pack for the server called? I accidently clicked no to download the pack and now I don't know which one to install, but I suggest making everything in default though.
Oh, it is a old texture pack... Don't care about it.

On "Making everything in default" Most of the block textures will look like default, but mobs are going to change a bit.
I am going to give a download for the texture pack we will be using when I am finish with it.


Oh, it is a old texture pack... Don't care about it.

On "Making everything in default" Most of the block textures will look like default, but mobs are going to change a bit.
I am going to give a download for the texture pack we will be using when I am finish with it.
Ok :D


Apr 29, 2012
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Dwarvale (Warground) created, new planned things:
Dwarven Captain. (One player will be this, he must take place in the council, and is the most important one. If he dies, you have failed.)
Evil Dwarven King spirit. (Another boss monsters)
The King of the Dwarves in Dwarvale marched out to destroy the army of the Orcs marching to them.
8 days later a single dwarf come back. They had failed.
As the Dwarven Captain you must get up defences, and protect the Dwarvale.

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