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Making Age Exceptions For Moderator

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District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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Reading all these long posts hurts my eyes.


Aug 24, 2012
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The lack of EU mods on the servers is insane, the only mod I have seen in the last two weeks is philly :/
maybe there just hiding from me :3

The last mod I've seen on AU I... Wait, never seen an AU mod, a non-existent species.


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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The last mod I've seen on AU I... Wait, never seen an AU mod, a non-existent species.
You just never seem to be on when a mod is.

But wait. You might possibly see me. ;)


May 4, 2012
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Here I'm going to do my best to quote some parts from slasher's and from Le0's posts, and I thank them both for replying to this thread. I also appreciate that you both answered the question thoroughly, and that's really what we wanted the most seeing as up until now you've always simply said "Age limit won't be reduced, end of story".

I'd also like to say that the parts about the inactive staff are very ignorant, assumptive, disrespectful and insulting. I'm sure that's not what it was meant to be but the way the sections were delivered is very enraging not only to the mods(especially the mods specifically pointed out) but to the Sr. Staff since we hired them.
We didn't mean to be disrespectful in any way, we were just trying to point it out. I said, or at least meant to say, that if the staff have given a reason for being inactive, then that's fair enough. I apoligize for pointing out those staff members, and will remember it in the future :)

When we lock a thread or deal with a spam bot, it does not show to everyone who did it. For me, when I lock a thread, I make sure to state why I'm locking it to set aside confusion. This is seen publicly and makes me appear as more active. Others might be working more of "behind the scenes" work and may be classified as inactive, when they're not.
What I meant by inactive staff is staff that haven't been seen even viewing a thread in recent times. I understand not posting anything, and locking it from "behind the scenes", but not having viewed the forums in multiple months is quite inactive to me. Again, if they had reasons and/or may be coming back now, that's fine.

First off, the reason that the age limit was lowered from 15 to 14 was NOT because of the fact that staff have been resigning lately. I would like to point out that MCSG has been running for a year now, and we can't hope to keep the same staff throughout. There will always be a flow of staff through MCSG- new mods coming in, and old staff resigning. So no, I wouldn't call it "lots of staff" resigning lately- we have had roughly the same amount of staff resign this month as we did to say, last month. But, back to the point. The reason the age limit was lowered was because we do agree with you fellow forumers, and the Senior Staff had been discussing this for a long while anyway. We knew that in the scheme of things, 14 year olds are still considered as "teenagers", and are nothing but 15 year olds that are a year younger. (ie. should still have the same maturity as 15 year olds, etc.-more on this later.)
So it hasn't quite been that more mods have been resigning lately, it's just been that more staff have been announcing there resignations I guess?
And darkrai got to that next point quite well. Which makes it seem like if someone could disguise themselves as old enough, and then act old enough (including on team speak, and voice would obviously be notable) they could easily be accepted as a mod. Obviously, they are lying and don't deserve it, but the staff would have no way of proving it (unless they are just masters at this stuff o_O), and they are still doing well as mods.

As for having no age limit causing more mod apps- the honest answer to this is no, I don't believe that making no age limit would significantly raise the amount of mod apps submitted very much at all. At the moment, we probably get (on average) 20-30 different mod apps every single day. I would say that probably around 3/4 of the people on MCSG that want to apply for mod (as in prepared to write a mod app, etc) are over the age of 14, so in any case there wouldn't be that much of an influx. In any case, we would welcome more mod apps, as it would allow us to select more people, and/or allow us to only choose the better applicants if there was enough.
I believe the amount of people unable to apply for mod, but want to, is much more than 1/4 of the forumers. I myself have rarely if ever openly stated that I want to be a mod, and I am confident that there are others like me. It probably isn't very much more, but still a noticeable amount. I'm sure it's common in many people that they may not have told you their age and seem older, but really are unable to apply for mod so they don't.

Col_Star is a new admin, he hasn't started yet due to being in holiday. He's a friend on Chad's, so hopefully we'll meet him soon.
That's a fair enough explanation, but in the case of Col_Star, why has he become an admin so fast, and not just start as a mod? I understand that he is Chad's friend, and Chad can make the decision concerning such things, but it seems a bit hasty to me.

The second reason: we have to draw the line somewhere. If we lower the age another year, there will always be a group just missing out. I know this seems unfair, but we have thoroughly thought this through.
With this point I'm not trying to put down younger people, or trying to convince you to lower the age limit another year, but I don't know of many 12 year olds who would go through the effort of making a really long post and doing their best to cover as many points as possible.

The third reason is yes, maturity. I don't particularly mean maturity in a sense of saying a 12 year old would kick an annoying bacca for killing them when a 16 year old wouldn't, I mean more of a maturity of how to handle certain situations. Some situations require extreme care, while others, excuse the language, are in which you are abused the crap out of as a mod. And I'm fairly certain, that me at a younger age would not have the maturity (in the sense of level-headedness and experience) to deal with it at a younger age.
I understand that, and have recently come to understand it more, because I think I've found myself dealing with situations much more appropriately and gently than I would have before.

Thanks for reading this, if you have. It's now 1am and I have a huge headache, so there is a high chance I have missed something out, or something.... so yeah. Ask away, I'm always happy to answer your questions.
Like I said above, thanks for the time you put into answering our questions and ideas. I read all of it because I wanted to do my best to reply to it too.

The problem with me is that i'm 15 so i reach the age limit but i don't, can't or want to use Teamspeak due to various reasons. so HalfSquirrel, do you think it should be compulsory to use teamspeak. i can understand that it helps alot with talking but i prefer to just play alone. i've never made a Mod app yet though :p.
If by that do you mean do I think it should be necessary to use teamspeak? Yes I do, because the staff need some way to communicate with each other through voice, and apparently TS is better for big group conversations than Skype.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score

The last mod I've seen on AU I... Wait, never seen an AU mod, a non-existent species.
I go on AU from time to time, though there is some lag for me.. I have been able to catch hackers on there before though, even if it's not 100% playable for me. :p
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