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Bran's MCSG Story


May 1, 2012
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Meow, and welcome to the story of Branbob83 and all of his encounters with the amazing people of the MCSG community. Lately I've been getting into thinking about my past and all the things that happened months ago, and it inspired me to write my own story, especially with everyone writing their stories at this time. So sit back, relax, and grab some sour milk as I express my feelings and past experiences as a member of the MCSG community and all of the ups and downs I went through, which brought me here today. Thank you for reading and stick around, for this is an amazing story. I guess I should stop talking and get on with it already.

Before MCSG: Before all of this stuff went down, and before Minecraft was even out, I was a huge Call of Duty fan. I was some crazy prestige and bought almost every CoD game and played until I was a respectable prestige. However, I was never really into the campaign and was addicted to multiplayer, and still am to this very day. I got so into it, I would watch pros play it on YouTube, and eventually I found a man who annoyed and trolled people over CoD, something I related to very well. His YouTube channel is zXNoRegretzzXz and he was the funniest guy ever and I watched all of his videos, and at one point he started to play Minecraft. At first, I thought this game was ridiculously stupid because everything was a block and at the time, since I was a CoD player, graphics in a game meant everything. But then I found out my irl friends had Minecraft too and invited me to play it, so I eventually bought the game and played multiplayer with them. It's not often people on MCSG bought Minecraft for the actual game, but I'm proud to say I'm one of them :D So down the road, I started watching Minecraft videos as I slowly drifted away from CoD and got into famous youtubers such as CaptainSparklez, SSoHPKC, and ChimneySwift11. Then one day, I came home from school and opened up YouTube to find the Machinima Survival Games with all of the famous youtubers. My jaw dropped to the floor, and it was love at first sight. I watched all the PoV's and spent hours upon hours making a chart to show who killed who and I was so into it that I started looking for hunger games servers on minecraft. First I found a server called The Hunger Games on mcpvp.com. I played those for a while, and even have a few vids on my channel where I play a few games, but it just didn't satisfy me enough. Then I found MCSG. I immediately fell in love and am still here today, and I'm not leaving until the servers go down or the world ends. Either way, I've made my place in the community and I'm not going anywhere.

April/May: I started playing on these servers and was so excited for my first game. The map loaded up, it teleported us to the arenas, then it started to count down. 5. I was so excited I couldn't breath. 4. The hairs on my arm stood up and I couldn't stay still in my chair. 3. My heart was fluttering and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. 2. I was sweating and so nervous and excited. 1. I get ready to leap off my platform and rush to the middle. "The games have begun." I rush to the middle and grab everything that I can out of the chest, excited to get into this amazing game. I run out of the corn and pass through the trees not even watching my surroundings. Then I start to fall. I look down to see lava waiting for me at the bottom of a hole, burning me away, and I watch as my hearts go down and I see "You have been eliminated from the games." I was devastated, but still hungry for more (no pun intended). I rejoin that server after watching the entire game, then get ready for my next one. This game went a little differently, however, because I was doing very well. I had my mix of leather and gold armor and my stone sword, ready to fight anyone I came across. But I saw nobody and was lost in the woods. There are 4 tributes remaining, so I start to make my way back to corn. I notice a cannon sound and lightning in the air and only 3 tributes remain, and I follow the lightning. I eventually find a guy in full iron armor, and I was so scared. I didn't know what to do, so I hid behind a tree and watched. Then, all of a sudden, I hear another cannon. I find out that the guy in full iron fell into a lava trap! I ended up winning my second survival games, and 2 games wasn't enough. I wanted more, and kept playing to this very day.

June/July/August: I started to get more and more into these servers, and it was summer so I was able to forget about school and just play. I didn't win very often, but when I did it was a huge rush. By the end of august I had about 20 wins, which is ridiculous because I could get 20 wins in like 2 days, but this was back when I was a n00b. I started to introduce my friends into the games, but they never really got into it. I was forced to play alone and got very bored, which led me to Skype teaming with people I didn't even know.

September: I met 2 cool guys who I would play with a lot. Their names were Timbersarmy14 and xXKILLBOT27Xx. These guys would play with me very often, and we started playing together a lot, but there was one thing holding me back. They both had iron donors and were able to get into the games easily, where I had to wait for each server to restart. I was tired of this, and finally bought iron donor, and to this day I donate every time my old one runs out.

October: More maps started coming out, such as breeze island and SG4, changing the community forever. I started teaming more with people on Skype, and eventually I met a man named (excuse my attempt at spelling his name) Str33tleagu3sk8 or something like that. He introduced me to the clan called Team Bacon. I joined and was instantly in love with the idea of forming teams and working together to get wins. The clan started to fall apart, and I looked for a new clan to join but couldn't find one. Then I ran into someone in game that is still in my life today. I met this person in a game when I had a teammate who I cant remember (most likely a team bacon member) and this person ( Undead_99 ) ended up killing my teammate and dying to my sword with me living at 1 heart. I thought this person was amazing and so I invited them to a Skype call. I was shocked when that person was a she. Her name was Anna and we would talk everyday over Skype and play MCSG together.

November: This was a huge month for me, and some of the greatest things happened during it. Anna had a friend over Skype and his name was oZeppy. Zeppy was in a clan at the time called "The Rebels." I had never heard of this clan before because I wasn't active on the forums at all, and was interested by the name and Anna and I applied together. By this time, I had 112 wins and things were looking good for me. She applied first and made it in within the hour. I on the other hand, opened up my browser, logged into the website and noticed I had an alert. It was on the rebels thread, and I was excited to know my new fate. I cross my fingers and click on the link. My body froze and I swear I was dead for those few minutes. I read on my screen, "Denied, suspected hacker" posted by no other than soggypickle. I was so sad, I couldn't bear to hear the news. But since I was such good friends with Zeppy at the time, and Zeno loved him, Zeppy persuaded him to give me an interview and a chance to prove I wasn't hacking. In the awkward Skype call with Zeno, I showed him my minecraft.jar and he said that I was clean, and then said welcome to the rebels. A smile swiped across my face and I realized my MCSG career will be changed forever, which it was. I started to hang out and bond with all of my new clan members and became good friends with most of them, with Anna still being my best friend. One game I was playing with Anna and I came across 2 diamonds in a chest. I took this moment as my one chance and proposed to Anna on the spot as a joke, and was surprised to hear her say yes. We were engaged and planned a huge wedding in minecraft. But unfortunately that wedding was ruined by none other than BlackJaguar007 (Dylan) when he made a speech in the rebels chat about our engagement and pretended to be the priest. He said things like "I now pronounce you man and man" and it ruined the experience, causing us to never have our wedding.

December: I started to bond with the rebels and really make my place in this clan. I had around 300 wins now and was steadily rising on the leaderboards. Christmas came around and as a rebels present, I decided to draw a picture of the rebels, with my lack of artistic talent. I did it as a joke, but it ended up being a work of art. They loved it and used it as the rebels pic, and I became the official rebels artist.


May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Continuation of mah story:

January: Continuing on, things were going good in the rebels and I ran into a few mentionable people along the way. One game I killed someone and their teammate who had full iron armor, and joined the teamspeak a few mins later to fine them sitting there in a channel. I join and start talking to them and find out that this guy is amazing and we instantly became best friends. This man is no other than CraftyKratonite, the father of my future babies. Ironically, I started to hang out with the man who almost made me cry myself to sleep, soggypickle Then one day, I come home from school and log onto the website and check the rebels roster. I can't find my name under elites or members and start to freak out, assuming I had been kicked. Then I notice my name under officers and immediately sign in relief, and felt honored to be chosen as an officer. Anna and I finally have our wedding and we even build our own cathedral in minecraft. The ceremonies going great, then all of a sudden, Soul decides to put lava on the ground, burning down the church and ruining the wedding. But it was still fun! Zeno decides to leave the rebels, putting other people in charge, in order to apply for mod. He still stays with us and guides us through tough decisions and is there to help us when we need it.

February: Not much else happened in February that is really worth mentioning. It went by pretty quickly and I continue to rise on the leaderboards. By now I'm at between 600 and 700 wins and 5th on the US leaderboards. Then MCSGv2 comes out, which completely changes everything. Everything is brand new, and there are some followers of this and some haters, but overall it is still lovable and a blast to play on. Now the leaderboards combine, pushing me down to 15. This is depressing because all of that work making it to the top 5 was all lost and now I don't even make the top 10. But other than that, that's about it.


May 1, 2012
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March: Again, another huge, story changing month for me. I have leftover money from a Disneyland trip, allowing me to become a very wanted and very sexy gold donor. I had dat gold swag, and da ladies be jelly. But anyway, I was able to play easier and watch my sexy name join the games. Then a drastic change occurs in the rebels. With Zeno being a mod and deciding that the rebels aren't what they used to be, he leaves the rebels completely. This leaves us with few options for leaders, and eventually RyanHolland and I are put in charge. We make a new thread, new Skype chat, new everything, and start over with a fresh start. Most people say the rebels died, but we say they only got better. We can improve from where we are and hopefully keep going strong and standing on our feet for a very, very long time.

April: Rebels are still recovering, but we finally think that we stabilized and can get back to the way things were. Some members leave and join Team Forgotten, which is a friend to the rebels and hopefully we can fight side by side. In the end I lost my gold donor (hint hint ;)) and things are slowly starting to pick back up and now we're here where we are today.

Well that's about it, I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoyed my story. I've had my ups and downs, but in the end, I'm happy with the choices I've made and the directions I've took. Along the way I made some friends, and some enemies, but I really enjoyed the ride either way. MCSG was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and as I said, I'm not going anywhere. Thanks to all the staff and wonderful people here for making this community the best it can be and making this place a once in a lifetime experience. There's many people I want to thank, but unfortunately it's not letting me post the last message. But you know who you are ;) Again, thanks for sticking through my story and I'll see you all later. Meow.


Nov 29, 2012
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You have just done it in parts because you get more likes.

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