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Moderator applications are reopened!


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hey I would like to apply for moderator. My minecraft name is smilyboss I am 15 years of age And I love the mcsg servers SO much. Most other people who apply just want to get it so they have a free rank. But i want mod because i Like Mcsg alot and I hate it when hackers ruin me and my friends game. So being mod is kind of a dream for me. And i have been mod/admin on Other servers such as Werteas and Mad_potatos (Mads is not that popular) So i have some experience :/ . So some situations i would use /kick: if someone spams or harreses anoth player or if they openly insult me or anyother staff members (or just anyone) Instances of which i would use /ban: If a player hacks multiple times and i have screen shots and video (i have a mic and a recording application) And instances I use /temp ban: If a player spam-swears or hacks . So
If you make me mod i will be fair and just to all. Thanks for your time -Smily
Post an application at - http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...vailable-volunteer-staff-positions-mcsg.7389/ And also, follow the template, otherwise, you will not be accepted. Hope I helped :D


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, mine is only 1066 words, what did you even talk about?

Anyway, I came on here to ask whether they reply to the thread you create if they want to interview you. Never mind, I read back a few pages and found the answer.
Yeh Zeno's word count is ridiculous!!! Mine is 1062 words, wish me luck!!!


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
look mines tiny... Your name: Josh Vincent
Your age: 14
Your Minecraft username: InsanePickaxe
Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): No I don't have any previous MC bans, I don't break rules and enjoy playing the game fairly therefore, I feel others should play it fairly to, hence why I would like to become a moderator to keep the servers enjoyable and fair for everybody.
Past administration or moderation experiences: I had a lot of experience as a moderator on a Pvp server which is now down (due to owner resigning). So unfortunately I can not post any IP's or links to the server seeing as it is not active anymore. During that time as a mod on the server I kept the chat clear of spammers and trolls. Any people who used abusive language or were harassing people made racist comments were off the server either permanently or for a long time until the donor decided to let them on again. Anybody who was found to be hacking would be off the server immediately. During my time on the server I banned around 40-60 people for hacking who all afterwards admitted it and apologised and were eventually let back on the server by the owner. So I can spot hacks easily.
How would you punish players for breaking the rules?: For spamming, abusive/racist/ comments, harassment, advertising other websites/servers, talking in CAPS, Explicit/Racist skins for there First offence: warning Second offence: Temp-Ban Third Offence: Permanent/long ban.
For hacking or using modded clients I would issue a Permanent-ban or at least a long ban but I know not to ban for things such as Optifine and fps increasing mods but anything that could aid them in pvp i would either give a temporary/long or permanent ban depending on what it was.
Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?: I am a very active member on the forums and on the servers. I have played MCSG for a very long time and understand fully how these servers work. Not only am I good at catching people who are breaking rules I am friendly and helpful to other players and can guide them about anything they want to know or find out. Probably one of the most important things is that I can easily recognise a hacker when I see one. To find out how to spot a hacker I looked up a video of the hacking client Nodus which contains a number of hacks eg: click aim bot, forcefield, bow aimbot, water walking, spider, sprint and as a result of this I know how to find a hacker for example: if a player was using click-aimbot they would not miss a hit and without even looking at the opponent they can hit them and manage to therefore get more hits in, if a player was using forcefield the opponent could be behind them and they would just rapidly start auto-clicking whilst facing away this can also work whilst the player is in a chest they can hit there opponent whilst in there, if a player is using bow aim-bot it is still possible for them to miss however the chances of them hitting there opponent is much higher a good way to spot this is if there are a few players around them and they are clearly aiming at one person however they hit somebody else, if a player is water walking it will look as if they are just normally walking/running on land however on water they will also be slightly higher off the ground, if a player is using spider they can climb up a wall higher than one block as if there is a vine there when there is not, if a player is sprint hacking they will constantly have sprint particles at their feet even when they're still, these as far as I know are the main hacks that can be used to aid people in Pvp. Being a mod on another server as I have already mentioned I know basic commands Eg: /ban [Player name] [Reason] and /tempban [Player] [Reason] and so on...
In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?: I am an enjoyable person to be around, I get along with people well. I am always willing to put in a lot of time to get work done making less work for other mods and can help any of the staff with work that they need doing. I will be helping both on the forums and in game. I am also very good at working in a team with lots of other people and enjoy doing so as well.
Do you have the ability to record video?: Un-fortunately I am not able to record due to lag but I can easily get hold of somebody that can and they can come on the server and record straight away. For example MrMad2000 and numerous other members that I have become friendly with. Also I would have thought if I contacted another mod they would come on the server and record for me.
Do you own a microphone?: Yes a very nice quality blue snowflake microphone costing £32, which I use for Teamspeak: InsanePickaxe and Skype: elnoobo11
How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: Every day, for at least a few hours normally more for in game and I go on the forums later on for a few hours late at night.
Where are you located? (Time zone): Horsham, England, United Kingdom BST.

I, InsanePickaxe, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
why did u post this here........


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Nothing you can do :p Like I said, it'll be nice to see some new mods... I wish that there was no rule, but I doubt that it would be removed. It acts as a decent buffer from the 100s of "I wanta be a mod on your servers, I will be good and only ban if thyre bad plz say yus." apps. I see the whole age restriction deal as silly, but patience is a sign of maturity... Just wait it out and hope that the rule is changed or your 15th bday comes along.
And that's exactly what happened :p


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
not complaining but bout how long till response is sent for a mod. application?

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