This is a terribly thought out reply which you have posted on at least 2 threads. Subversion's 'job' is to programme the plugin and so he should keep on top of it.
Example that you can comprehend;
Simon Cowell: You're just not a good singer, give it up.
Simon Cowell: My job is to judge, not sing.
You see, Subversion is programming a plugin for an official SG server network which should be top notch as he's a supposed talented programmer.
For the record, I'm a decent programmer. I've been doing my programming work for over 6 years now.
Problem is - I have a duty to over 1,700 Minecraft clients to provide quality service at CubedHost. I manage and oversee everything at my company, as no one else would - things would be left unnoticed, our company's support would turn to crap, and things would not work very well if I didn't do what I do. If I were to ignore work there for more than 24-48 hours, I would have nearly 1,700 12-18 year olds whining at me about how their server lags, therefore I wouldn't have time at all for MCSG.
We do not magically know how to resolve issues with the plugin when someone reports these issues. There's a reason for this:
no one ever provides more information. We NEED more information about the gameplay before we can figure out what happened. We NEED to know what server you were playing on, what region you were on, what map you were on, etc. EVERYTHING is relevant.
Keep in mind: we're ALWAYS talking with Chad and trying to figure out what the next step is for the community. Rather this be expanding to another location, adding features, or changing the way the game works in minimal or possibly game-breaking ideas, there's always some sort of plan. Even right now, there's things going on in the background that we won't discuss too much until the release date, which will slow MCSG development a bit because we're working on optimizations rather than features.
Before you all go bashing someone specifically for something, you should step back and take a look at the situation for yourself. It seems to be something this community has failed to do in the past, and thus people leave because of it.
Thank you to the those of you who defended my position, as they appear to understand what I do.
Edit: Also, I've got a good case of sleep deprivation thanks to you guys. So, seriously, chill out.