For all of you who think this is a new idea, browse the forums more often. This has been suggested too many times before already and turned down. I don't like the idea personally (and yes, I would constantly say this even before I was donor) because that sort of limits the donors' ability to a few less servers. And some donors prefer to join the later servers. I know many people that always join the later servers because they aren't filled with donors, and this would limit their ability. Especially for the AU and CA servers, where there aren't that many servers in the first place.
I also believe that the only region with too many donors is the US. I used to play EU as my main region, and when I did I would easily be able to join a server no matter what number it was, except on the weekends when there were plenty more people playing. I have also played quite a bit of AU and CA, and, especially in CA, there are very few donors.
Another problem is that these servers that are set aside will be equally difficult to join even though there are no donors. The non-donors take up the bigger part of the community, and since they know of these servers where they can't get kicked, they will all be trying to join that server. So there will always be a ton more people trying to join these kick free servers in numbers way bigger than there are on any server, making it more difficult for anyone to join. I think this is the biggest problem, and few people seem to notice it.
I understand the advantages this would bring, and if there are servers like this I wouldn't be against it, but I don't think there is any need to add them in.
I also agree with Gamer101Luke in saying that donors should be able to join these servers if they exist, just they would have to join like regular players without their kick ability. And staff would still get kick access to join the server, because they are staff and they need it to moderate the servers.
Sorry if someone has already said this, I only read the first few comments and skimmed a few others, but didn't read them all.
In reply to pr0ofun suggesting that donors cost $50-100:
This would be way to expensive. There are very few diamond donors right now (maybe 50-100 of them in total), and those are the people that love these servers a lot, are rich and feel like having cool cyan names, or in the cases of maxlupus and Hawk62, they won it in a competition. If the price for the cheapest donor was $50, there would be few more than 50-100. Not very many people have that kind of money to spend on a game, and not very many people are willing to do it just for easy access to MCSG servers for a month.
And a message to the OP:
Please don't make polls with only one answer, because there are times when your idea isn't perfect. You can add up to like 10 options in a poll, so just add 3 or something saying: Yes, Maybe with some work, and No.