Wiffy: (Gulp) Mass Effect 1. Pls don't rage, pls don't rage. I suppose I expected more when I played Mass effect 2 first. But everything felt.. wrong while playing. The combat felt weird with infinite ammo. I was annoyed by the renegade and paragon convincing only unlocking when you became a spectre. I was annoyed by the weird inventory system that felt too fiddly for me. But I guess I was biased from Mass Effect 2
Be ashamed, be very very very ashamed of yourself, by preferring two over one you are showing that you prefer narrow minded gun happy hand guided storyless shooters. Yes, the shooting mechanics were much improved in the second one, but they stripped away pretty much all of the game's RPG elements, narrowed the overall experience, from the hundreds of landable planets on ME they had but a mere 20-30 in the sequel, and this is the best part, let's get rid of the thousands of different guns, and put 13 in this one, and let's put the fact that we've done that as a selling point on the box! The amazing storyline of the first one, it literally sent shivers down my spine at points, was replaces by EXPLOSIONS, seriously I thought Michael Bay must have directed it. Needless to say, I got all three of them on their launch days, and there's only one that keeps me going back to it. Long story short, you should be shot for suggesting this game could be one of the worst of all time.