My problem is that i'm too good when I'm getting games. I always get ones I know I like and will enjoy.
But just looking at my games collection I can pick a few.
Slightly stinky: Uncharted. On celebration of my new PS3 I bought all the Ps3 exclusives that were highly reviewed by the PS3 community. I love the uncharted series but the first 1 was the worst. Impossible levels, crushing difficulty spikes, wave after wave of enemies. It went from fun, to mind numbing pain in a hour of playing. But it is only slightly stinky because the awesome plot, puzzles and climbing make up for most of it.
Wiffy: (Gulp) Mass Effect 1. Pls don't rage, pls don't rage. I suppose I expected more when I played Mass effect 2 first. But everything felt.. wrong while playing. The combat felt weird with infinite ammo. I was annoyed by the renegade and paragon convincing only unlocking when you became a spectre. I was annoyed by the weird inventory system that felt too fiddly for me. But I guess I was biased from Mass Effect 2.
Stanky: Call of Duty MW3: I was dumb enough to think MW3 would be better than the predecessor. I was wrong. Oh btw this was only a rental, i'm not stupid enough to buy it. The game in my opinion had the same/ worse graphics than MW2. It was such a copy/paste game it was disgusting. I hated that they kicked out the Cod points form Black ops (Which I thought was great. The 1st Black ops is still one of my fav new age CODs). But the story was passable but completely ridiculous. And the multiplayer is addicting, for a spell.
Ewwwww, Get it away!: RE5. God, this game. Remember when I was telling you about the Ps3 exclusives I got with the console? This decided to sneak in with them. I hate the new gameplay of the Re's, they are no longer scary or atmospheric. Granted the older ones were never scary, but the fixed camera angles and the controls worked against you at the worst of times, which created a great sense of urgency. These new ones are not scary, there not even zombies, just some weird creatures made from... Something? The story really confused me. But I think its about Steroids Redfield and the other one killing everyone in Africa, again, didn't understand the story much.
Kill it! Kill it with fire!: Vampire Rain. Bet you weren't expecting that. eh?
I rented this game as a a joke and it was everything I was expecting. Terrible graphics, terrible pseudo stealth game play, Vampires with the seeing range of hawks , useless guns. It's like the creators sat down at a boardroom meeting and asked "What is the worst game we can produce, for the most amount of profit" Which is unfortunately the aim of most publishers now a days. *Sigh*
TL;DR: Don't buy crappy games. Wait for Angry Joe to review them first.