I'd like to get my opinion in on this, since I know a bit about both sides. First off, I see a lot of "Teweran is just taking revenge on this community" or "They just want VIP or publicity." Honestly, Teweran is one of the best builds teams there is, especially for SG. They're modest, extremely kind, and extremely talented. Whatever happened between them and Chad I think we can assume Chad's reaction might be the reason as to why they are considering making it Hive exclusive. Most of us know that Chad seems to get a lot of bad attention for the things hes done, and I'm not going to be the one to say if this is for good reason or not, but take what you will from it.
Like any other build team, when you spend hours and hours building, and destroying, and rebuilding just to get that perfect look and create a product you can be proud of, you want to be appreciated for it. Teweran has made 2 of the best maps on the MCSG servers, and is VIP really all that much to ask for? But even when they didn't get VIP, they still stuck with MCSG and were making T3 for it. But when they get offered VIP from another big server don't you think it's only logical to except it? And the terms would be that they make T3 exclusive to that server for only a month, which really is not that long guys. Seems like an easy decision. But then they started getting disrespected for this decision, from not only Chad but from some of the MCSG staff and members of the community. Chad even disliked the map in the polls. How do you think that would feel? If you guys spent hours making something only to have the person you're making it for blatantly dislike it. So can you blame them for wanting to make it fully exclusive to the Hive? A place where they have gotten VIP and nothing but respect?
You guys have to understand from their perspective, they aren't trying to "take revenge" on this community, they just want to be appreciated for their hard work. Teweran has been associated with Team Vareide before the MCSG/Hive split, so it's clear they would be happy to work together with the Hive. As a Team Vareide member, I've seen Teweran 3, it's amazing, easily one of the best maps ever built for SG. If you guys want Teweran 3 to be on the servers, get Chad to appreciate Teweran, show them some respect. They damn well deserve it.