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#TheLegends [EU] EliteClan

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Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 15
What is your ingame name? SnickleDood
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Snickle, or Walker.
Skype/TS name? Skype: walker.harris21 - TS: SnickleDood
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 53, I know that will DEFINITLY effect it. I believe i can prove to you i belong in the Legends, by pvping one of you're clan members, or you. xD
When did you start playing MCSG? Believe it or not, Only about 2 weeks i believe. (on this account) but i also had another account before which was shmonkey10, I gave it to friend not to long ago. but i believe i got about 110 wins on that account. = 163 wins. :)
How often are you playing? If i have school, Then about 6-7 hours, Without school, 15 hours.. Yeah i know sitting on my computer all day.. lol but seriously i will play from 1pm-4am. xD (This is if i have nothing going on, and sense hockey is over. I have nothing lol.)
What is your PvP strenghts? Jungle biome, Flatlands, Water fights, Bows, Flintandsteel.
What is your PvP weakness? Hackers..
Why do you want to be a Legend? I would like to be in Legends, Because i believe this is wear i fit, I also wanna have fun with some good players. And Legends are just Legends! <3
What is your favourite map? Breeze island, Or Solar frost. Well i also like sg 1 and sg 4.. xD
Sincerly - ~Snickle~

I'm sorry but some Legends don't like you or don't want you in the Clan.

They don't hate you so dont be afraid but if we will hate each other in the Clan the clan will collapse.


District 13
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 15
What is your ingame name? SnickleDood
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Snickle, or Walker.
Skype/TS name? Skype: walker.harris21 - TS: SnickleDood
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 53, I know that will DEFINITLY effect it. I believe i can prove to you i belong in the Legends, by pvping one of you're clan members, or you. xD
When did you start playing MCSG? Believe it or not, Only about 2 weeks i believe. (on this account) but i also had another account before which was shmonkey10, I gave it to friend not to long ago. but i believe i got about 110 wins on that account. = 163 wins. :)
How often are you playing? If i have school, Then about 6-7 hours, Without school, 15 hours.. Yeah i know sitting on my computer all day.. lol but seriously i will play from 1pm-4am. xD (This is if i have nothing going on, and sense hockey is over. I have nothing lol.)
What is your PvP strenghts? Jungle biome, Flatlands, Water fights, Bows, Flintandsteel.
What is your PvP weakness? Hackers..
Why do you want to be a Legend? I would like to be in Legends, Because i believe this is wear i fit, I also wanna have fun with some good players. And Legends are just Legends! <3
What is your favourite map? Breeze island, Or Solar frost. Well i also like sg 1 and sg 4.. xD
Sincerly - ~Snickle~
Also Denied! Because from previous meetings with your other account shmonkey10 I have yet to die from you and you do not in my opinion have enough PvP skill to do good in my clan, I am sorry
Your app was delightfull though, Get 100 wins with this account and try again:)


Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 8th january 2000 exact date of birth so im 13
What is your ingame name? Pigo363
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Pigo :)
Skype/TS name?Bloodkiller494 <----- Skype
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 157 wins
When did you start playing MCSG? October
How often are you playing? idk
What is your PvP strenghts? fast and good at waterpvp
What is your PvP weakness? On Like Mountains and trees
Why do you want to be a Legend? Because i want to be in a good clan with much talents
What is your favourite map? Solar Frost


Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
Why did you got kicked at BeastAttack?
The Owner is a good friend of me and he told me your a Hacker.
So dont bother and try to tell me something else
I left the BeastAttack, beacouse I was really laggy that day and he wasnt nice to me for acusing me of hacking, just beacouse of lag.
You dont have any proof, or even never played with me, so dont acuse me.


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 8th january 2000 exact date of birth so im 13
What is your ingame name? Pigo363
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Pigo :)
Skype/TS name?Bloodkiller494 <----- Skype
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 157 wins
When did you start playing MCSG? October
How often are you playing? idk
What is your PvP strenghts? fast and good at waterpvp
What is your PvP weakness? On Like Mountains and trees
Why do you want to be a Legend? Because i want to be in a good clan with much talents
What is your favourite map? Solar Frost

Sorry... We don't like your OptiFine Cape :/

Btw. How can you be "fast" hasnt everyone the same speed lol ^^
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