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If you are fighting a "professional," Minecraft SG player.



Some people ask me why I am worst than someone at pvp on the survival games who has just started and has no experience. Others are like, you are always PWNING! Oh my goodness tell me how! Well this is my guide.

1: Be confident.
You can't win a PvP battle if the other oppentient has better stuff and your not prepared for it, in most cases people will start shaking, won't click as fast and forget to use common and basic techniques.

2: Blockhit. But be careful when you do it.
People call this a nooby tactic, but if someone is attempting to shoot you with a bow, block with your sword if you have one, if you have a fishing rod, attempt to fish the arrow away, believe it or not, it works, but you can only do it successfully by change, not by skill.
If you are in a confined space, block hit. Just do it, no questions asked.

3: Jump and sprint!
It's self explanatory, jumping and sprinting gets your closer or farther away from your opponent and you go faster!
Also, if your in a space or under a tree with a two block hight, as in a hallway that in hight is only two blocks. (Hight of your character.) Then continuously press the Spacebar and sprint at the same time and it'll give you a massive boost.

4: Arrows.
I, personally, absolutely love my bow. I will always run out of arrows thought eventually even if I hack a stack and a half because I use my bow WAY TO MUCH! If you see a opponent who you would like to kill, engadge into the fight you want to participate and obviously win... Strike him with your sword, axe, shovel, spade, hoe, comma splice? Then shoot him with your bow, chances are that if you shoot a enemy with your bow straight away, they'll run...
ALSO! If you prefer, keep your arrows in your hotbar on the 9th slot so you can see how many arrows you have. But never be afraid to use them, hope, luck and skill all come into one factor, and if you can shoot your opponent down successfully, you can do it to anyone.

5: Just give up like I do!
When in doubt or in a game with GCB or Teovald, just leave...

6: Fishing Rods.
Use them to get away from opponents, hit them back to get a extra hit on them, or push em' into a ravine on SG4! :D They are a lifesaver, and if you need food, well, fish if your near water and... Have fun dying a miserable death.



Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
I honestly don't agree with the idea of blocking with your sword when someone is about to shoot you, because if you are blocking, you can barely move, therefore making it so easy to shoot you. So, if they land the shot, yes it will do less, but if you did something more smart like dodge it, you wouldn't lose any health at all.


I honestly don't agree with the idea of blocking with your sword when someone is about to shoot you, because if you are blocking, you can barely move, therefore making it so easy to shoot you. So, if they land the shot, yes it will do less, but if you did something more smart like dodge it, you wouldn't lose any health at all.
If you were in a confined space or in water, because in water it is INCREDIBLY easy to shoot someone who is almost stationary.


Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
If you were in a confined space or in water, because in water it is INCREDIBLY easy to shoot someone who is almost stationary.
Yeah, I agree, but in my opinion it is better to strafe the arrows under water then grab them and shoot them back at the shooter. :p


Yeah, I agree, but in my opinion it is better to strafe the arrows under water then grab them and shoot them back at the shooter. :p
That is a much better tactic I will add later, but if the person you are fighting is a really good archer, the whole point is your gonna get hit or your gonna block because of strafing might not work and if you risk it you instantly die or you get very lucky then die, which one?:3


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
Not always actually, arrows I believe can do two hearts of damage at the maximum in you block.

Also if it hits your sword it will just bounce off.

One deathmatch it was me and a guy without a weapon and he killed me with arrows because i didnt block.

But yes I prefer to strafe.


Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
If you just float a the surface of the water, it is extremely easy for the opponent to shoot you. That's why at death match on breeze, all you need is arrows and a fishing rod, if you go to the middle of corn, you can just dominate the fight even if you don't have good stuff.


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
Thats why you block till they run out. Ive almost recieve a stack of arrows when me and freind were playing.

jk it was 26 arrows :p

The only time to block hit is on maps like insanity cause where there is no room to strafe. but if there is room always strafe. or block hit if your attacking someone who is spamming artows and you can get close.

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