It's alright but I need my Alerts and Inbox tab
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Can u so this on tablets?For everyone who saw the new website, we are working on some improvements from yesterdays feedback. However, we did make it available for anyone to use but you need to make this change while logged into your forum accounts. To change it, go to the bottom of the website and click on "Flexile Dark - Green" theme. After, select the "Minecraft Survival Games" theme and it will change over. We plan to make improvements based on your feedback but you can always switch back and forward between them.
View attachment 7613 View attachment 7612
Again, any feedback would be great as we will be making improvements throughout the week.
That is actually a glitch in the theme where we are working on getting it back up. Just have to ask the guy who did it why it is not there.
And PxlPanda c:I can just tell the art was by FinsGraphics lol
Same happened to me :OCrap I switched the mobile layout and I dont know how to switch back.. HELP
http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...s/help-beta-test-our-new-website.34158/page-2Ok so I switched to mobile layout when I was meaned to switch to survival games layout and i cant switch back, help me someone?