Yes. But I have school, lots of work. Sorry. I just decided I'll make it new YouTube friendly and old YouTube FriendlyIs my background even being worked on?
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Yes. But I have school, lots of work. Sorry. I just decided I'll make it new YouTube friendly and old YouTube FriendlyIs my background even being worked on?
I'm sorreh but I'm waiting for my pen tablet to arrive so yours is goodWhat? I thouth we agreed that you were gonna put me on the top of the list!
I'm impatient
SPECIAL MOD AVATAR! WEW!I'm sorreh but I'm waiting for my pen tablet to arrive so yours is good
How old are you? Really? Patience is the key. I would do them by a deadline if they weren't free :/I u gonna make me 1
so i didnt make the free queue?How old are you? Really? Patience is the key. I would do them by a deadline if they weren't free :/
Done your YT Background! It's for the new layout because YouTube is going to make everyone change :/Ohai there , can i get a youtube background?
I want the right side to be my name , and left side my mc skin:3
Suprise me whit collors:3
And if u have time for a avatar :
Link to Skin (use mcskinsearch.com/skin/MinecraftBrutal):
Pose:Me being chased by a guy in mcsg
Expression: Scared cuz im runnig
Background: sg 4
Other Info: Hope u finish fast
You are in the queue.so i didnt make the free queue?