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Duck's MCSG story

Is this a sexy story, or what?

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District 13
May 6, 2012
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So today I hit 200 likes on the forums, a milestone for me since I just stated posted a month and a half ago. I've made so many new friends, and kept in touch with so many old friends, it's hard to keep track. If I forget you, I'm incredibly sorry, just know that I <3 you anyways.

Prepare yourself for a sexy story...
I had always played minecraft multiplayer from the very beginning. I had a decent survival world for about 3 weeks, then I decided to explore the multiplayer tab.
I had literally just finished the hunger Games books when I decided to move onto multiplayer, and I immediately searched for 'Minecraft Hunger Games.' I found a post on PMC about a basic Hunger Games server, including the First Vareide map.
I joined, and absolutely loved the PVP, Chest-finding, survival aspect of the game. I was hooked. I played that server a lot, and before I knew it, I was a server admin. Everything was going great until one day the server went down and never came back up ;(. I kept checking on it for weeks, and much to my dismay, it never came back.
Reluctantly, I searched for a different Hunger Games server and found an incredibly similar server to the one I played on before, only this time, there were tons more players. It was almost like Deja Vu, because after 4-5 weeks of playing, I was an Admin. I always feared that this server would come to an end much like the last, and sadly, I was right.
I joined the server one day and the owner informed me he was taking the server down because he 'wasn't interested in minecraft' anymore.
I was disappointed, I had high hopes for the server, but it was over.
Yet again, I turned to google and searched for a new Hunger games server. This time, I found MCSG. I was pretty amazed, I had never really been on a server with plugins before, or even a server with a website.
I immediately made a forum account, and for about a week, participated in some little contests, and very few threads.
After a week, I got tired of the forums :eek:, and mainly just played on the servers.
I was a complete and total noob. I was that person who would ask to team in lobby, or that person who would sit at corn, waiting for something to happen.
It took a few weeks, but I got the hang of it and acquired my first win!
I continued to frequently play solo from there, since none of my IRL friends played and my parents didn't allow Skype, but one day that all changed.
I saw a player with high points, and because of my noobiness, just assumed he was the greatest thing on earth. I asked to team and he informed me had two other teammates, and that I was welcome to join them if I could Skype.
My heart sank, at that point my parents still wouldn't let me Skype, so I made a Skype, added them, and told them I could just listen in on the call.
It went that way for weeks, and we would team all the time. As awkward as it was, it worked.
The group of us stopped playing MCSG for a while, and started plating a lot of Survival. I honestly didn't like survival, and I slowly strayed away from the group, eventually to the point of removing them on Skype.
After that, I went back to playing tons of MCSG, which is when I met an amazing friend, whom I still talk to, Soxfan2.
I was in a lobby and just like last time, asked to team because of his high points. I was surprised when he said yes, and I followed him around practically the whole game.
He gave me some items, and we made it to DM. We almost always made it to DM, but Soxfan2 was so much better than me at PVP, and I would always get absolutely destroyed by him in the DM.
Slowly, my PVP skills increased, and I could finally use Skype!
I wasn't sure about it at first, almost everyone's first thoughts when using Skype is "Jesus christ, what if this is a rapist?" Thankfully, Soxfan2 wasn't a rapist ;).
We had an amazing time playing Survival games, and Skype made it so much better. My only teammate for the longest time was Soxfan2 and his friends for months, until, I started using the forums.
It had been over a year since I had joined the forums, and I hadn't posted anything. I browsed the forums for a while, and started replying to threads.
After about 5 days, I was completely addicted to the forums and I'm honestly not sure if I could live without them.
One day, while browsing the forums, I decided to check out some clans. @Theoretical's 'Java' clan immediately stood out to me, so I read over the application. I met every requirement except age, since I was 12 at the time.
I sent in my application with high hopes that they could overlook my age. 15 or so minutes later, I had a response to my application.
HalfSquirrel, A clan moderator had accepted my application! I was so excited, I never thought I would make it! My application had been accepted under the condition of doing a few trial games with HalfSquirrel and griff123.
I completed my trial games, and I was accepted into the clan. The next day, to my surprise, I was informed the Clan had disbanded.
They had created a new clan, which I for some reason never bothered applying for. I continued playing MCSG, and had started teaming with HalfSquirrel frequently.
HalfSquirrel introduced me to Theoretical, and we got along, and started teaming too.
It was amazing. <3.
Along the way, I met a sexy narwhal name darkai202. We became friends and added eachother on skype <3.
That's also when I got really active on the forums, and started making 'guide' threads.
One of the first guide threads I created was stickied in the 'Feature Suggestions' thread by mooman219. It made my day. I'm not really sure why, I think it was just the recognition. Nonetheless, It's something I'll probably never forget <3.
Now, we get to eshancowee.
I was on the forums one day when for some reason I decided to send Eshan a picture of ferrets in sweaters. I sent the picture, and he replied. I was kind of shocked he even replied, because to me he was 'famous.' I can't exactly remember what happened in between (#ShortTermMemoryLoss) but there was a certain thread of mine where the topic had for some reason changed to stalking.
Conveniently, during a conversation about stalking, Eshan asked for my skype, and I gave it to him. We talked on Skype for a while (Messaging) and Eshan invited to join the EU rebels. I said yes (who wouldn't?) and found my new clan. Now, I'm basically just doing what you've seen me doing lately :p.
Even if I forgot you, or didn't mention you as much as someone else, I still equally <3 you. I <3 the entire MCSG community because I don't know where I'd be without you.


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
duck. Im touched by this, i remember all of this. :) Ur a great friend :D #Duck4Pvp/#PvP4FuN

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