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Mah Mincrayft Storeh! Part 1 - The journey of Mincrayftia


May 4, 2012
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I decided a little while ago that once I became the top poster on the forums and finally passed the mighty Stijn to regain my throne, I would post the story of how I started playing Minecraft (not just MCSG) and how it went after that. It's a long one!

It was a lovely week during the summer of 2010. I was in Ottawa (I'm canadian, but I still live 5 hours away from Ottawa) with my family and my dad's friends and their families, visiting one of the family's houses. So I was staying there for a week. We played Wii games, computer games, air hockey and went out to do other things a bit too.

At some point during the week, the friend that lives there (let's call him Lemonhammer) was playing a game. It was all blocky and weird, and the graphics were awful. But it looked fun! So I tried playing it. I was awful at it, and I was constantly changing the difficulty to Peaceful mode because I was scared of dying to mobs. So I started a world in singleplayer together with Lemonhammer.

We started as usual, getting basic supplies and stuff. Then I found the biggest vein of coal that I had ever seen (I'm pretty sure coal veins had a much bigger limit back then by the way). It was filled with 76 coal (still a record for me). We started out by making a base in between these 2 mountains. It was just a simple cobblestone base, above ground and all.

I made a tower of cobblestone going straight up, falling off multiple times in the process and having to place ladders to get back up. Once I reached the world height limit (128 back then), I dug down a few blocks to make space for a little gazebo type thing made of cobblestone. At one point, I decided that I wanted to make a roller coaster, starting from the gazebo and going down.

I used InvEdit (I didn't have TMI and I don't think it existed, and this was basically the same thing you just had to close the world whenever you wanted more items) to get some rails, as there were no power rails. I went out a few blocks, and started trying to build downwards. Then I realized it was impossible, and I was just stupid :p Whenever I tried getting up that tower though, I fell because I was awful at climbing ladders when they weren't surrounded for some reason.

That's pretty much all that happened in that world, and I never really continued it because it was on Lemonhammer's computer. But more during that week, another friend that was there (we will call him freewatersalt) and he started the funniest world ever. He started out as normal, like I did, and then like me kept it on Peaceful. Using InvEdit, he got tons of water and pretty much flooded his world.

There was this cow mooing in a corner, and freewatersalt kept saying that it was annoying him. So he made a little hallway sort of base made of sand, dirt and cobble and called it his vacation home. We now have an inside joke that he said which is "I made a vacation home away from my cow". It was hilarious, just by the way he said it and the context (I guess you would've had to be there for the full experience). We also got a couple other inside jokes that were very similar.

So when I got home from the visit to Ottawa, me and my sister wanted to get our own Minecraft account. We still share it to this day, even though she never uses it because she got bored. When we were deciding on a name, it took a while because we had to think of something interesting that we both liked. Eventually we decided on the word Squirrel being cool, so we started with that. But I didn't think that was interesting enough, and I figured it was probably already taken. So I wanted something more. I thought of Half Squirrel, and we both liked it. Many people do. But she wanted an underscore (_), which I didn't like (which is why it's not in my forum name or any other name) but we added it anyways. And Half_Squirrel was born.

I started a bunch of single player survival worlds, using InvEdit because I really sucked and was too lazy to play it properly. I was still afraid of mobs, so I played on Peaceful. I had started watching Coe's Quest by Coestar (which I've watched every single episode of except most of the New Chapters episodes), and he was a great influence on the world I was playing in. I made my mine like his first base's mine just not as awesome. Eventually I fulfilled my dream of making a roller coaster and it used normal rails with a powered minecart (minecart with furnace in it) to push you. It was pretty cool, and I still have the world for it even though I haven't used it in ages.

But then I got bored of playing Minecraft, and played other things for a couple months. Then winter break came, and the family friends that I had seen during the summer came over for New Year's and our annual celebration of it. Again, they stayed for a week. We had 2 computers that could play Minecraft, Lemonhammer's and mine. Me and freewatersalt played on Lemonhammer's computer sometimes so that we could play our original worlds a bit. We also started worlds together, which we only ended up playing on for like an hour. We pretty much did the same other things as we did in Ottawa.

But this re-inspired me to play Minecraft. I've been pretty much obsessed with it ever since. I started a new world with my sister, again on Peaceful. I originally planned on playing survival legitimately, with mobs on, but eventually it became a world destined for roller coasters. By now there were powered rails, which made life a lot easier because I did not understand boosters at all.

I made this one track that was supposed to go straight as far as possible, but we got bored after over 500 blocks. Then we turned around and it started going in zigzags, because without the ability to fly I knew I would be unable to build downwards like I had tried before. It was pretty successful. After a while, we kept making bases in mountains that were pretty far away and making rail tracks to connect them, including a train station (again based of Coe's Quest a bit) in the middle which connected everything. I don't know why, but I'm quite proud of that world. I guess it's because it was built without flying. But there were some pretty crazy roller coasters in that world, which I love.

As time went on, I was getting bored with Minecraft. But I didn't want to stop playing it. So during the summer of 2011 (a year after I started playing) I decided to try multiplayer. I joined a small server with a nice seeming community, and it was fun. The server often crashed though and they had to get a new map, but I always had friends there. Eventually though, the server became really bad and boring to play on so I left. I started the hunt for another server.

During 1.7.3, I found another server with a fairly small community called Behind the Matrix. I started playing there during August of 2011 and met many friends there. There was this quiz you had to go through at the start to make sure you read the rules, and after I succeeded I was promoted by a guy that I consider to be my first friend. He is called malamute. As I started off on this survival server he hung out with me a bit, and I met a guy called jonasomethingorother. We made our base together on that first day, which was 2 floors tall at the time. He never appeared again after that, which is probably why I don't remember his name.

After about a month, I had made friends with everyone that played actively on that server. There was Starkint (a great builder), the owners Morpheus and NinnyB, malamute the admin, the super admins which I don't remember but were still cool, and a bunch of other members and staff of that small server. I had fun just talking to them, making many survival bases, and even helping to build some towns. I then became an Agent (which is pretty much Moderator, because it's right under Admin which is technically Sr. Mod because Super Admins are pretty much Admins :p). I was more well known, and I could help promote the new players when they finished the quiz.

I made friends with the more active people I promoted, like FeralSlug (who was the best, and probably my favourite or 2nd favourite person on the server), her friend who used to share the account but now has her own, a guy named Cookie####(who originally told me about MCSG when SG2 came out) and a guy named xxProhackerxx (I don't remember where the caps and stuff was though..). I was always nice and easy going, and I can't state enough how much fun I had at that time.

I never imagined that I would get promoted to Admin, as I didn't have TeamSpeak, which the staff used a lot to communicate. I never even hoped for it, because I never really wanted it. I held many cool events there, and built more things and March of 2012 came. I had been helping out a new active player named Graysha####, who was a really good builder. I hadn't noticed the similarities though. So at some point during early March that year, I was promoted to Admin. A little while later, the super admin AliensHive said that Graysha was his alt account. He had recommended me for Admin because of how I acted towards him when he was playing. I was surprised, and still am.

During April, the moment you've all been waiting for came. A guy I mentioned before, Cookie(Unkown#'s), told me about this new Survival Games map called SG2... And so I started MCSG. There wasn't enough space in this thread, so I will have it in a different thread with a link here:


May 29, 2012
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1. C-c-c-combo breaker!
2. Not long enough.
3. Read every word.
4. Moar.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
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I think I may make one soon :) Great job doing this half! Kudos to spending about 4 hours weiting this :p.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hmm... Ill just comment on the last part..... wait... ops... damnit! :p

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