The thing is with these (mostly number 3) you can't just force something upon people and force them to enjoy it. Anything that would change the community would be put to a vote BEFORE any changes were implemented (that's if the community wanted it). It's how its always worked and I've also been here since pre-SG2 stage so I can see a lot of the community raging if something like this with the seriousness was implemented with no sort of vote from the community beforehand. People would get annoyed and would rage on our forums, to the staff on TeamSpeak.
Not everyone is going to like the idea and you can't force something like this upon people, even if it was for a trial period. Things would be put to a vote before any changes were made and then removed or changed if no-one liked it afterwards (that is, if the changes are implemented).
I do see where you're coming from, but I have to again, disagree for a few reasons, although I do admit while writing that post I had to step away several times, so I didn't get my point across well.
Things usual sound better on paper. When an idea is added on a poll ( 5 arrows in one chest as an example) people generally don't stop and give long thought to the effect in-game before checking off the button. This being said, people will be upset at how it effects the game. Those developing and setting up those polls need to be the ones to think about what's added to a poll, prior to putting it up. They should be the ones saying, "Hmmm? How will this change effect Gameplay?". Nothing against the developers of course, I agree, the community needs a say, but the extent of their say should be limited. When you give someone power, you need to know that they will use it properly, and in the case of the mass-community, they use it carelessly. Of course that is just a rant on the Chest-update-vote. Onto the idea of a vote prior to an update (in general)
Humans don't respond well to change, our species can be very closed-minded. So posting something like this wouldn't really heed much of an unpredictable outcome -
"Hey guys,
subv3rsion here. We are thinking of adding [insert game-changing update here] to the servers. Do you like this, vote yes or no in the poll above."
The instinctive response would be "No, I enjoy the games how they are" Just like the chest update, they will vote without giving the in-game effect much thought, they just want to keep things the same. So trying to open a vote on something like this really won't bring MCSG into the future.
You need to try something to know whether to answer yes or no. While some things are obviously bad ideas, others are not and need to at least see closed beta testing. Which brings me to my next idea....
Beta testers. No, US69 is not enough. We need un-implemented feature testing servers. Here's how I see it working -
- Beta testers need to apply, if given a spot, they are enabled to see a beta-features forum section (like the current donor section). Here beta testers can post or feature suggestions to developers.
- Developers decide upon certain things to try, 3 suggestions per three weeks sounds good. These suggestions are separately added evenly on 15 separate beta servers.
- Beta testers play on these servers for 2 - 3 weeks, at the end of which a poll is put up on the beta testing forum section at the end of this time.
- The poll includes all of the features tested, and is put to a like-dislike vote, only including the beta testers.
- Each beta tester is slated to play a set amount of time on each feature server in each period of testing.
- After voting, testers are supposed to post about their views on the features, and what can be changed for improvement.
- After a several test cycles, the features that are primarily liked are testing together in an updated version of the plugin, and are released after sufficient testing.
Obviously for this idea to come to fruition several things need to happen, the buying of beta servers, and the mass hunt for new developers. Several things need to happen.
Post something on the front page about needing new Developers, post the criteria needed and why new developers are necessary. Promote some mods to admin and senior mod to help hire new developers.
MCSG has been in a standstill for too long, we need to upsize to make progress.