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What does each in-game rank mean

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District 13
May 6, 2012
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I've noticed lately when I join servers with eshancowee or anyone with a rank most people aren't familiar with, they spazz out and repetitively ask questions like; "ESHAN! Wat's ur rank? Iz u mod?" so I've decided to make this 'guide' thread talking about what each in-game rank means--

duckluv321 has joined the game.
See someone with a green name join the game? That player is a member, usually a newby, or someone who cannot afford, or is to lazy to buy donor.

duckluv321 has joined the game.
Someone with a grey name just join the game? That player is an iron sponsor, someone who has payed $10 and received this rank, along with the ability to join full servers, have +1 voting weight, and have this grey-colored name.

duckluv321 has joined the game. See a player with a golden name join the game? That player is a Gold sponsor, the rank up from iron sponsor. This player has payed $25 to recieve this rank, along with the ability to join full servers, have +2 voting weight, and a golden name.

duckluv321 has Joined the game.
:O A player with a teal name just joined the game! This player is a diamond sponsor, the highest obtainable paid for rank. This player has paid $50 to receive this rank, along with the ability to join full servers, have a +5 voting weight, (I think :3) and of course, the teal name.

duckluv321 has joined the game.
ZOMG! Someone with a pink name just joined! What is this sorcery that could give someone a pink name? Well, this player's rank is the 'friend' rank. This rank is obtained by being close to ChadTheDJ or doing something amazing for the MCSG community. This player can join any full servers, and if it's a donor party, they have the priority to kick out a donor. I believe anyone with this rank is also given a +5 voting weight, but I'm not sure.

duckluv321 has joined the game.
Wut! Someone with a purple name has joined! This player is a VIP, usually a 'famous' YouTuber who has brought many people to MCSG, or someone who has done something outstanding for the MCSG community in general.

duckluv321 has left the game.
*gasp!* A player with a light red name has just joined your game! This player is a moderator, someone 'employed' by MCSG to watch over the servers and make sure everything runs smoothly. These players can join any server anytime, and can also send misbehaving players to the bottom of the ban hammer. *Note! You won't see when these players join the game, they are ninjas. You will see their rank in chat and when they leave though :3

duckluv321 has left the game.
*Gasps and faints* A player with a dark red name has just joined your game! This player is a Senior Moderator, someone who's been in the moderator position for a long period of time and done their job well enough to be promoted, or an Administartor. Their rank 'color' is similar, although admins have dark red bolded names. These players can join anywhere, anytime, much like Moderators. They also have the ability to send players to the very bottom of the ban hammer. *Note! You won't see when these players join the game, they are ninjas. You will see their rank in chat and when they leave though :3

duckluv321 has joined the game.
*dies* A player with a light blue name tag has just entered your game! This player is a developer, someone who creates and edits the MCSG plugins. I'm not sure exactly what commands they have, although I assume they are similar to that of a moderator.

This is currently all the ranks I am aware of. Please let me know if I missed something :)
<3 anyone who read far enough to see this. Hope I could help at least a few people with this thread :)

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