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Is it Bad To Rely On Secondary Weapons?

Is Relying On Secondarys Bad?

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District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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Hi guys Billa here. Now I'm here to talk about something important (well in my opinion) it is to talk about the use of secondary objects (bows, fishing rods, flint&steel etc.) and if it is bad to rely on them mainly.

Because, I'm the type of PvPer who doesn't necessarily like sword vs. sword combat. I know this may sound wierd because a sword/axe is main priority or useful weapon in PvP. But, I can sword PvP better than the average player (0 point, below 100 wins people) but I can never seem to beat people in general.
I absolutely love my bow, flint&steel, fishing rod stunning etc. I'm personally one of the best people I know for knowing how to use this equipment effectively. Give me at least 3 arrows, wood sword and a flint&steel and I'll take down the cocky guy with the diamond sword.

I'm making this thread because 2 games (not in a row) I won only having wood sword, leather armour, 5 arrows and a flint&steel taking down the team of 2 that killed everyone (so they were stacked of course (and I had the same gear both games)) and my tier 2s only containing cooked food.

I mean, I'll possibly win with just a sword if it was a bunch of noobs in a game.

But I seem to rely on secondarys alot more then my primary weapon. Tell me what you guys think?


Nov 27, 2012
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Not bad at all. Secondaries require timing, skill and strategy, rather than just clicking fast and relying on Internet. I find flint and steel and Bows life savers. If I have the iron, I'll make a flint n steel. These tools can win you the game, and when used in the right hands can bring down even the best players.


Nov 27, 2012
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i rely a lot on flint and steel. Also the bow and arrow, with the fishing rod, can make a deadly combination if used correctly. Sometimes, flint and steel can be better then an iron sword (depending on what the other guy has). So in all honesty, the people that are bad in Regular Pvp (like swords), Can excel in some areas of secondary weapons. Like me with flint and steel. (Note there are exceptions :p g33ke)


Aug 19, 2012
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Secondaries are boss!!! ..er .... provided you use them correctly.
I've been able to take out two guys on a team (and take their diamond swords) with just a rod, flint and steel, and a wooden sword.

So no, it isn't bad to use secondaries.


Feb 24, 2013
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I don't rely on my secondary weapons because bows can run out of arros, flint and steel and brake in 3 to 4 hits and fishing rods snap over time. I would only rely on my bow if I had more than 20 arrows. I would only rely on my flint and steel if I had more than 2 of them so I could feel free to set somebody on fire any tme I'd want to. I never rely on rishing rods because on land I find it really hard to aim with them but in water its fine. Only bad thing is that they can snap in half and break gold armour really easily without doing any damage to the player.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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I find myself doing much better if I just forget the bow and just go straight in for the sword fight.
Flint and steel is a lot of fun to use even in situations where it would be ineffective.


District 13
Nov 2, 2012
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What if the Cocky guy with a diamond sword is me .. huh Jake?

Also, no, it's a good idea.


Jul 29, 2012
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It helps you alot, but as when i sucked with close combat and owned in bow, it was a weakness. You need to be able to slay people without getting equiped with the absolute perfect gear for you.


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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Not bad at all. Secondaries require timing, skill and strategy, rather than just clicking fast and relying on Internet. I find flint and steel and Bows life savers. If I have the iron, I'll make a flint n steel. These tools can win you the game, and when used in the right hands can bring down even the best players.
Majority of the reason why I'm bad with sword vs. sword is because of the people that get better Internet then me will always destroy me with swords.

I don't rely on my secondary weapons because bows can run out of arros, flint and steel and brake in 3 to 4 hits and fishing rods snap over time. I would only rely on my bow if I had more than 20 arrows. I would only rely on my flint and steel if I had more than 2 of them so I could feel free to set somebody on fire any tme I'd want to. I never rely on rishing rods because on land I find it really hard to aim with them but in water its fine. Only bad thing is that they can snap in half and break gold armour really easily without doing any damage to the player.
Well, I know what you're trying to say, but 3-4 arrows could mean the difference between life and death. To use your arrows efficiently guide the down a reasonably narrow then do a 180 shot. 2 of those means at least a 1 hit stone sword majority of the time.

I find myself doing much better if I just forget the bow and just go straight in for the sword fight.
Flint and steel is a lot of fun to use even in situations where it would be ineffective.
Yet, you would have good connection to the US servers. So majority of the time you would eliminate every player standing in your way. As for me, I can do at least a full sprint jump off my starting platform before it has recognized that I had sprinted then eventually teleports me back (and that's on AU my closest servers).

If you know when and how to use your equip you can win against everyone.
I know. I like to pretend I'm low when I'm not even in fair fights, just to get them to follow me so I then pull out secondarys etc. then most likely win (hopefully).

It helps you alot, but as when i sucked with close combat and owned in bow, it was a weakness. You need to be able to slay people without getting equiped with the absolute perfect gear for you.
I can, sometimes. When I play well I win, alot. Not even needing to use my secondarys.

What if the Cocky guy with a diamond sword is me .. huh Jake?

Also, no, it's a good idea.
I'll fight you. irl. ;)


District 13
May 19, 2012
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I love to kill a noob when I only have a flint and steel as a weapon and he has a stone sword or something:)

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