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My MCSG Story

Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys this is dmdunnett here and this is my MCSG story I know tons of people did it but my MCSG history has been interesting...

September-October 2012
I discovered MCSG and thought oh boy this is hunger games just like teh movay dat came out recently so I decided to play but, there was 1 major problem. My 4 year old apple laptop! So half the time the game started I would D/C when the game starts (teleporting to the arena). I tryed and tried and tried to win so many times but I could only get like 1 win a week if I was really lucky.

November-December 2012
Since I started I got 14 wins (I felt so freaking proud) I finally got a brand new windows Samsung desktop and a Naga Abyssuss Mirror edition gaming mouse (along with a dragon war gaming mat) then I watched SG tips and I spectated lots of MCSG servers and practiced on a PVP Server known as "Project Ares" then I got very good at PVP and started to play every MCSG server and eventually got 16 wins on US 2 on EU 1 on CA and 7 on AU

January-Febuary 2013
I finally got skype so I can team with all my friends on MCSG (mainly hackers so I didnt die much aka the famous Spazzer7) so I made lots of friends and finally made the decision to play AU servers mainly (45 overall wins added together) then towards the end of Feb I bought iron donor (I thought HEW YA SUCKUHS when I bought it!) and then MCSGv2 came out then I got a surge of wins!

March 2013
I made lots of friends (mainly Doodle, Meswut, Shoelace, Cal and Simon!) and got about 30 wins since the coming of MCSGv2 and get a habit of winning 1-6 times a day and became very happy then I decided to go apply for rebels cuz I had oer 70 wins (I did NOT find out about them changing to 100) so then darkrai told me that they changed it to 100 so I felt so bad and down in teh dumps cuz they changed the wins limit (it was my MCSG dream to be a reb) so I didnt play MCSG for a while cuz I felt bad then I pissed off Doodle and Meswut that same day so I felt like never ever playin again (probably even MC) then a few days later they said they were sorry for gettin all pissed and they forgave me and then I played MCSG again! But on March 10th I was playin SG4 with Turtleman and he wanted to get to 100 wins so I said on the Skype call "I will not let you win but make it easy by usin a diamond spade and gold chestplate while he had full iron and diamond sword) then I killed him by tatics and he raged quitted and left the call so I guess he hates me now :(.
Recently lots of members have been joining the Rebels so I have been worrying that I wont get in then my homework has been getting greater and greater making me play like 30-150 minutes of MCSG a day and I have been noticing lots of hackers dragging me farther down to a pit of shame. So lets get my hopes up and hope im become a Rebel!
Ahhh the good 'ol Easter holidays, When school had the 2 week Easter break basically I have been playin the hell outta MCSG, so I am approaching clocse to the win limit for ta rebels ;) .


Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
For those who want to read this and not get blind.


Hi guys this is dmdunnett here and this is my MCSG story I know tons of people did it but my MCSG history has been interesting...

September-October 2012

I discovered MCSG and thought oh boy this is hunger games just like teh movay dat came out recently so I decided to play but, there was 1 major problem. My 4 year old apple laptop! So half the time the game started I would D/C when the game starts (teleporting to the arena). I tryed and tried and tried to win so many times but I could only get like 1 win a week if I was really lucky.

November-December 2012

Since I started I got 14 wins (I felt so freaking proud) I finally got a brand new windows Samsung desktop and a Naga Abyssuss Mirror edition gaming mouse (along with a dragon war gaming mat) then I watched SG tips and I spectated lots of MCSG servers and practiced on a PVP Server known as "Project Ares" then I got very good at PVP and started to play every MCSG server and eventually got 16 wins on US 2 on EU 1 on CA and 7 on AU

January-Febuary 2013

I finally got skype so I can team with all my friends on MCSG (mainly hackers so I didnt die much aka the famous Spazzer7) so I made lots of friends and finally made the decision to play AU servers mainly (45 overall wins added together) then towards the end of Feb I bought iron donor (I thought HEW YA SUCKUHS when I bought it!) and then MCSGv2 came out then I got a surge of wins!

March 2013

I made lots of friends (mainly Doodle, Meswut, Shoelace, Cal and Simon!) and got about 30 wins since the coming of MCSGv2 and get a habit of winning 1-6 times a day and became very happy then I decided to go apply for rebels cuz I had oer 70 wins (I did NOT find out about them changing to 100) so then darkrai told me that they changed it to 100 so I felt so bad and down in teh dumps cuz they changed the wins limit (it was my MCSG dream to be a reb) so I didnt play MCSG for a while cuz I felt bad then I pissed off Doodle and Meswut that same day so I felt like never ever playin again (probably even MC) then a few days later they said they were sorry for gettin all pissed and they forgave me and then I played MCSG again!

But on March 10th I was playin SG4 with Turtleman and he wanted to get to 100 wins so I said on the Skype call "I will not let you win but make it easy by usin a diamond spade and gold chestplate while he had full iron and diamond sword) then I killed him by tatics and he raged quitted and left the call so I guess he hates me now :(.


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
For those who want to read this and not get blind.


Hi guys this is dmdunnett here and this is my MCSG story I know tons of people did it but my MCSG history has been interesting...

September-October 2012

I discovered MCSG and thought oh boy this is hunger games just like teh movay dat came out recently so I decided to play but, there was 1 major problem. My 4 year old apple laptop! So half the time the game started I would D/C when the game starts (teleporting to the arena). I tryed and tried and tried to win so many times but I could only get like 1 win a week if I was really lucky.

November-December 2012

Since I started I got 14 wins (I felt so freaking proud) I finally got a brand new windows Samsung desktop and a Naga Abyssuss Mirror edition gaming mouse (along with a dragon war gaming mat) then I watched SG tips and I spectated lots of MCSG servers and practiced on a PVP Server known as "Project Ares" then I got very good at PVP and started to play every MCSG server and eventually got 16 wins on US 2 on EU 1 on CA and 7 on AU

January-Febuary 2013

I finally got skype so I can team with all my friends on MCSG (mainly hackers so I didnt die much aka the famous Spazzer7) so I made lots of friends and finally made the decision to play AU servers mainly (45 overall wins added together) then towards the end of Feb I bought iron donor (I thought HEW YA SUCKUHS when I bought it!) and then MCSGv2 came out then I got a surge of wins!

March 2013

I made lots of friends (mainly Doodle, Meswut, Shoelace, Cal and Simon!) and got about 30 wins since the coming of MCSGv2 and get a habit of winning 1-6 times a day and became very happy then I decided to go apply for rebels cuz I had oer 70 wins (I did NOT find out about them changing to 100) so then darkrai told me that they changed it to 100 so I felt so bad and down in teh dumps cuz they changed the wins limit (it was my MCSG dream to be a reb) so I didnt play MCSG for a while cuz I felt bad then I pissed off Doodle and Meswut that same day so I felt like never ever playin again (probably even MC) then a few days later they said they were sorry for gettin all pissed and they forgave me and then I played MCSG again!

But on March 10th I was playin SG4 with Turtleman and he wanted to get to 100 wins so I said on the Skype call "I will not let you win but make it easy by usin a diamond spade and gold chestplate while he had full iron and diamond sword) then I killed him by tatics and he raged quitted and left the call so I guess he hates me now :(.
I find this kind of offensive, even though its an upgraded version of it...


Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
I find this kind of offensive, even though its an upgraded version of it...
I was merely trying to make it easier for the eyes of people who were reading it. xD I didn't mean to be offensive, and I'm sorry if I did.


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Just work hard and you'll get into the #Rebels.
They don't accept you for wins, even if you have 1000 wins but are a total jerk, you will not be accepted.
Get to know the members more, play with them, it took me 1 month and a half 'till I got accepted, and I was at 300 wins when I did get accepted.

Anyways.. Nice story!

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