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Vote to Bring Hungry Hills Back!

Should Hungry Hills be Brought Back?

  • Total voters
Apr 26, 2012
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It's actually Oblift redoing it FOR static_nightmare. If we could make a Hungry Hills 2 also, it might come back!
Ah, I thought you were talking about something static posted recently, nice to see that he's recruted some help.


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
i hated this map. i am glad they also got rid of it.

but i hated it because it was too big, and it was way to hard to find chests and is a complicated map. basicly this map to me is saying: WHOEVER GETS THE SWORD IN THE MIDDLE AND GETS ALL THE GOOD STUFF IN THE MIDDLE IS GONNA WIN!
thats not how a map should go. take sg 1 for example. even if you have full iron armour and a diamond sword you can still lose because there is an equal number of tier 2 chests around the map. granted, THE BOAT IS STILL VERY OP, but it gives a nice challenge for the other player who "took the middle". also it lacked water combat. not like breeze, that had way too much, but agian going back to sg 1, there are a good amount of water sources to fight in and mixes up the combat. in hungry hills, its just hill combat. nothing else really, you fight on elevated surfaces or flat surfaces. not much variety. if they made another one, i would make more chests and make all combat equal.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
i hated this map. i am glad they also got rid of it.

but i hated it because it was too big, and it was way to hard to find chests and is a complicated map. basicly this map to me is saying: WHOEVER GETS THE SWORD IN THE MIDDLE AND GETS ALL THE GOOD STUFF IN THE MIDDLE IS GONNA WIN!
thats not how a map should go. take sg 1 for example. even if you have full iron armour and a diamond sword you can still lose because there is an equal number of tier 2 chests around the map. granted, THE BOAT IS STILL VERY OP, but it gives a nice challenge for the other player who "took the middle". also it lacked water combat. not like breeze, that had way too much, but agian going back to sg 1, there are a good amount of water sources to fight in and mixes up the combat. in hungry hills, its just hill combat. nothing else really, you fight on elevated surfaces or flat surfaces. not much variety. if they made another one, i would make more chests and make all combat equal.
That's why we can edit it.:p
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
i hated this map. i am glad they also got rid of it.

but i hated it because it was too big, and it was way to hard to find chests and is a complicated map. basicly this map to me is saying: WHOEVER GETS THE SWORD IN THE MIDDLE AND GETS ALL THE GOOD STUFF IN THE MIDDLE IS GONNA WIN!
thats not how a map should go. take sg 1 for example. even if you have full iron armour and a diamond sword you can still lose because there is an equal number of tier 2 chests around the map. granted, THE BOAT IS STILL VERY OP, but it gives a nice challenge for the other player who "took the middle". also it lacked water combat. not like breeze, that had way too much, but agian going back to sg 1, there are a good amount of water sources to fight in and mixes up the combat. in hungry hills, its just hill combat. nothing else really, you fight on elevated surfaces or flat surfaces. not much variety. if they made another one, i would make more chests and make all combat equal.
Yes sirre give map 1 dem loves. The boat it just an accident that happened when V2 came out. This is what people don't get, map 1 isn't easy or flashy but it IS SG it's the first map and what SG should be like to play.


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
That's why we can edit it.:p
yea, like i said, if they made another with equal combat, more chests, and even made the map a bit smaller, it would be one of my favorite maps. think about it... hungry hill V2!


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
yea, like i said, if they made another with equal combat, more chests, and even made the map a bit smaller, it would be one of my favorite maps. think about it... hungry hill V2!
That would be nice. But I don't want to see the old hungry hills back.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to start building soon. With or without his permission: We don't need to submit it if he doesn't approve. I might create a new thread for Hungry Hills 2. I need a building team, though.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
As the lead builder of Hungry Hills, I have to say I am flattered by all this. Even the guys who hated Hungry Hills for taking the time to vote. I'd like to say that, when we made this, we wanted it to be big and more based on survival than anything. We felt that the survival games was becoming more like a normal death match (I mean, C'mon, have you seen the Breeze Island games?) The point is, if you see someone in Breeze island and they have say, nearly full iron and an iron sword and you have a wooden sword and some mushrooms. Then you get two options, attack now and probably get slaughtered, or try finding more stuff then getting slaughtered in death match. In a map like the original survival games, or Hungry Hills, you can see them then go somewhere else. When your paths collide later, they might just be a pebble on a Titan's path.

I have already updated Hungry Hills, and no one seemed to notice. I added more chests scattered around, a few more landmarks and whatnot. I don't like the idea of someone else working on Hungry Hills, but if you're willing to, we could work together on creating even more landmarks?

Again, I am truly grateful to anyone who even played on my map. Thanks everyone, if Hungry Hills doesn't get back on, at least we had a good run.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
i hated this map. i am glad they also got rid of it.

but i hated it because it was too big, and it was way to hard to find chests and is a complicated map. basicly this map to me is saying: WHOEVER GETS THE SWORD IN THE MIDDLE AND GETS ALL THE GOOD STUFF IN THE MIDDLE IS GONNA WIN!
thats not how a map should go. take sg 1 for example. even if you have full iron armour and a diamond sword you can still lose because there is an equal number of tier 2 chests around the map. granted, THE BOAT IS STILL VERY OP, but it gives a nice challenge for the other player who "took the middle". also it lacked water combat. not like breeze, that had way too much, but agian going back to sg 1, there are a good amount of water sources to fight in and mixes up the combat. in hungry hills, its just hill combat. nothing else really, you fight on elevated surfaces or flat surfaces. not much variety. if they made another one, i would make more chests and make all combat equal.
We didn't get to select the tier, but we added plenty of chests. Only, we hid them well. A lot of people still don't even know that there is a pirate ship on the map. Believe me though, if you go to any of the right places, you can own the guys that camp in middle. Anyway, as I was saying we revamped the map adding more chests and some animals, also a few new landmarks. The chests we added are in the open though because no one seems to look for things anymore. :L
Water combat sucks anyway, it's just someone running away in the water, while you chase after them and hit them further away occasionally.
Thanks for the feedback, bro.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
I'd also like to remind you all that this is actually the same size as SG1. C-C-C-C-COMMENT SPREE!

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
As the lead builder of Hungry Hills, I have to say I am flattered by all this. Even the guys who hated Hungry Hills for taking the time to vote. I'd like to say that, when we made this, we wanted it to be big and more based on survival than anything. We felt that the survival games was becoming more like a normal death match (I mean, C'mon, have you seen the Breeze Island games?) The point is, if you see someone in Breeze island and they have say, nearly full iron and an iron sword and you have a wooden sword and some mushrooms. Then you get two options, attack now and probably get slaughtered, or try finding more stuff then getting slaughtered in death match. In a map like the original survival games, or Hungry Hills, you can see them then go somewhere else. When your paths collide later, they might just be a pebble on a Titan's path.

I have already updated Hungry Hills, and no one seemed to notice. I added more chests scattered around, a few more landmarks and whatnot. I don't like the idea of someone else working on Hungry Hills, but if you're willing to, we could work together on creating even more landmarks?

Again, I am truly grateful to anyone who even played on my map. Thanks everyone, if Hungry Hills doesn't get back on, at least we had a good run.
Thank you so much for responding! I personally like Hungry Hills the way it is, but the reason why I suggested editing it is because HATERS GONNA HATE! If people only want to play with more landmarks, then we should add some. I normally don't like doing things just to please others, but this is an exception. This is the only way people are going to play!
We didn't get to select the tier, but we added plenty of chests. Only, we hid them well. A lot of people still don't even know that there is a pirate ship on the map. Believe me though, if you go to any of the right places, you can own the guys that camp in middle. Anyway, as I was saying we revamped the map adding more chests and some animals, also a few new landmarks. The chests we added are in the open though because no one seems to look for things anymore. :L
Water combat sucks anyway, it's just someone running away in the water, while you chase after them and hit them further away occasionally.
Thanks for the feedback, bro.
I don't know what the problem is with these people. They take one look at the map, assume there is nothing there, don't bother to explore, camp at spawn, and get killed by people LIKE ME who love the map and actually explore.
I'd also like to remind you all that this is actually the same size as SG1. C-C-C-C-COMMENT SPREE!
I never thought this map was too big; I love large maps!:p That aside, the reason why it seems larger than SG1 is because there are a lot more trees in SG1. I was not planning to shrink the size of the map, either. I personally think the map is good the way it is, but hey, you can't please everyone.

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