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Ideas for the servers

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May 20, 2012
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Well I used to play city wars and they made these classes you could play as like dwarves, hunters and so on but I know that wouldn't work on the survival game servers ( which are awesome) But I had the idea where each district had their own abilities like for E.G district 12 climb faster and have much better archery District 6 deal more damage when punching and take less damage. District 7 (they had Rue I think) are good at blending in so when they crouch they go completely invisible. They also can run faster then others but are feeble so deal less damage and their hunger bar goes quicker same principle for district 12 apart from hunger. district 9 have a good throw so when they spawn they will start with 12 snowballs that deal 2 damage (or less). District 2 are good at making things so when they craft anything at a crafting table the item will be much more efficient so swords will last longer and do more damage. Bows deal more damage 2. Food (golden apple or the mushroom soup) will heal more. Fishing rods can catch 2 fish.

The way you can choose which class you want to be is at the lobby you do /district (number)
That way its pretty simple and If smart it could add a district alliance so the 2 people in that 1 district (4 if a 48 server) will be able to talk to each other doing /team (whatever it is you want to say like wheres my Cheetos?)

I can understand that this would be hard but is a good idea! If you have any ideas for improvement then make a comment on the thread! Thank you for your time and may the good connection ever be in your favor!


Jun 2, 2012
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I think that would be a cool idea but maybe also if they choose their district they can also get one small set of supplies such as
District 1: 1 diamond
District 2: 2 stone and 1 stick
District 3: A clock and compass
District 4: A fishing pole and 3 raw fish
District 5: idk...
District 6: 3 Ender Pearls
District 7: An Iron axe
District 8: Full leather armor set except for helm
District 9: 4 bread
District 10: 3 cooked beef
District 11: 2 golden apples
District 12: 5 coal and 1 bow

They might be a little uneven but just tell me what you think

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
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Hugenick, that listing is completely unfair:
If you got stuck with district 12 it would suck big time, and if you got District 7 you would just run in and kill everyone right away. Think before you speak dude.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
districts mean literally nothing in the survival games I dont know why people go on about them so much...


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Haha yes sorry I said the listing would be a little uneven , I did not think about the district 7 one alot but maybe instead they get a few extra sticks? As for district 12 I would say maybe put some arrows but not alot maybe about 3.


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
districts mean literally nothing in the survival games I dont know why people go on about them so much...
Well honestly it does. District 12 are poor and for food they have to hunt. so they must be good runners and at archery. One of the districts was coal miners so they must have had to be strong to earn money to live. And think about It couldn't have been every district was exactly the same no specialties and so when they go into the hunger games they all do the same bloody thing. Same time you really want every game mode to be the same where its one team taking everyone out or some guy who knows the map and takes all the good stuff. with these special abilities it will ad more variety to the game

I think that would be a cool idea but maybe also if they choose their district they can also get one small set of supplies such as
District 1: 1 diamond
District 2: 2 stone and 1 stick
District 3: A clock and compass
District 4: A fishing pole and 3 raw fish
District 5: idk...
District 6: 3 Ender Pearls
District 7: An Iron axe
District 8: Full leather armor set except for helm
District 9: 4 bread
District 10: 3 cooked beef
District 11: 2 golden apples
District 12: 5 coal and 1 bow

They might be a little uneven but just tell me what you think
I like the idea but prob is it will be very uneven. Thats why I suggested skills which only a few would give you a item. same time if they have to find the items it makes it more fun like the original hunger games where Katniss had to wait for the bow and only got a knife.
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