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The Strategist's Corner

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District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
If you are a completely defiant or a kind honest person, I strongly recommend you not to even look at this thread. Here we are, being honest with our strategies. You can choose to reveal your route or tactic. If you choose not to, you can help others in their route. As I have came under a white flag of peace. No violence shall be necessary for the wellbeing of this thread. This is mine:

1. Screw the Cornucopia, run to the Bank.
2. 2 chests nearby trees literally adjacent to the bank (2)
3. Bank vault (1337 btw)(1)
4. Across the river to outskirts
5. Crafting Table- Craft, duh.
6. Obsidian structure (1)
7. Up a vine which has a small opening to the church, jump to the trees, one chest near obsidian structure. Jump across trees to an another treetop chest. (2)
7(b). (Optional) Giant tree (2)
8. Across river, again.
9. To the second Crafting Table.
9(b). (Optional) Petrol station (1)
10. Across forest to observatory (1)(Sunset camp (this))
11(a). If you camped at Observatory, then raid the whole Nuclear Plant (11).
11(b). If you didn't, camp in water silo.
12. Residential area through forest. (Not sure about number of chests in houses)
13. Cornucopia raid attempt.
Total chests : 21+

This thread reveals your tactic to opponent, just a reminder.


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Village area - 30+ chests

Corn - diamonds and iron

I'm boring.


May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Once you get a few chests, stay at the corn. If you're camping it, people will usually think that you're a strong fighter. And also, people who usually run when they see someone will usually get killed. If you go at them and they attack you, they have a chance.


May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Once you get a few chests, stay at the corn. If you're camping it, people will usually think that you're a strong fighter. And also, people who usually run when they see someone will usually get killed. If you go at them and they attack you, they have a chance.
Yes, good idea, camp the corn, camping the corn and not getting more chests is a great idea, don't let anybody tell you otherwise, they're liars.



May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Yes, good idea, camp the corn, camping the corn and not getting more chests is a great idea, don't let anybody tell you otherwise, they're liars.

Didn't really mean it that way, lol. :p Just try to be near it when nightfall comes, because if players see you there at night, they wont' go for you.


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Here's what I've developed after playing around 30 games:

1. Head for the closest chest in the cornucopia
2. Grab what you can and run
3. Clock tower, grab two chests
4. Brick building opposite the clock tower, grab one chest
5. Brick building next to the clock tower, grab two chests
5a. If still lacking any kind of weapon, climb the two connected skyscrapers, grab two chests
5b. If still lacking weapons after the skyscrapers, run around the map checking Joe's hut, the altar, the forest in general and as a last resort the obsidian thing next to the church, no one ever gets the chest from in there
5c. If still lacking weapons, wait for refill and repeat
6. If armed with an axe or sword, head towards the central park
7. Circle around the park into the suburbs, there'll generally be players there
8. Kill players and loot their gear till you can afford making an iron or diamond sword, then check if the cornucopia is occupied; if yes, leave and keep fighting random wanderers, if no, start camping.

It doesn't yield a lot of chests since I don't know half the chest locations yet, but it'll do, since you generally just get the same things over and over from the non-cornucopia chests, and what I loot at the cornucopia early on will usually be my most important resources later. At best I've ended up winning a 48-player game with full iron armor, diamond boots, a diamond sword and a total of 14 kills, including a team of 3 and two teams of 2.


May 6, 2012
Reaction score
I feel safe disclosing my strategy that I use almost every round in the new map :p

1) Make a quick dash for the Corn, and only grab one chest
2) Run for the village. A quick way to see which way to go is to avoid the skyscrapers
3a) Once you enter the village, look for a playground with a chest on a roof. That's your first guaranteed chest.
3b) Once in the village, dash for the house with the pink carpet
4) Loot the 3 double-chests and single chest in there. Chances are you'll get at least 2 iron and a stick
5) Exit the house and run along the beach
6) On the way to the bridge, grab a chest in the trees and one near the water 3 blocks before the bridge.
7) Cross under the bridge, grabbing another chest. If you're quick, by now it's possible to have looted the equivelant of 12 chests, placing you in an amazing position
8) Get to the crafting table and make an iron sword (if possible) or any other kind of stuff you want
9) Run to the obsidian thing, and loot the chest in there. It'll get dark soon, so be wary
10) Swim across the river, then sneak in the back room of the pink house
11) Once the chests refill, loot the pink house again. By this point, you will have probably looted about 20 chests, so you're probably rocking some iron armor and swords, have heaps of food and are probably ready for some killing. Run back to the Corn
12) Depending on the players left, the Corn might not be re-looted. If so, loot it all and hope for some diamonds. You are now ready to win :D

Tell me what you think of this strategy.


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
LightRod that actually sounds really good, may i try your strategy? I'm now learning where parts of the city are...and which buildings have nothing inside.


May 6, 2012
Reaction score
LightRod that actually sounds really good, may i try your strategy? I'm now learning where parts of the city are...and which buildings have nothing inside.
Sure thing. I'll make a more precise route right now :D


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
If you are a completely defiant or a kind honest person, I strongly recommend you not to even look at this thread. Here we are, being honest with our strategies. You can choose to reveal your route or tactic. If you choose not to, you can help others in their route. As I have came under a white flag of peace. No violence shall be necessary for the wellbeing of this thread. This is mine:

1. Screw the Cornucopia, run to the Bank.
2. 2 chests nearby trees literally adjacent to the bank (2)
3. Bank vault (1337 btw)(1)
4. Across the river to outskirts
5. Crafting Table- Craft, duh.
6. Obsidian structure (1)
7. Up a vine which has a small opening to the church, jump to the trees, one chest near obsidian structure. Jump across trees to an another treetop chest. (2)
7(b). (Optional) Giant tree (2)
8. Across river, again.
9. To the second Crafting Table.
9(b). (Optional) Petrol station (1)
10. Across forest to observatory (1)(Sunset camp (this))
11(a). If you camped at Observatory, then raid the whole Nuclear Plant (11).
11(b). If you didn't, camp in water silo.
12. Residential area through forest. (Not sure about number of chests in houses)
13. Cornucopia raid attempt.
Total chests : 21+

This thread reveals your tactic to opponent, just a reminder.
Where is the bank?


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
I feel safe disclosing my strategy that I use almost every round in the new map :p

11) Once the chests refill, loot the pink house again. By this point, you will have probably looted about 20 chests, so you're probably rocking some iron armor and swords, have heaps of food and are probably ready for some killing. Run back to the Corn
12) Depending on the players left, the Corn might not be re-looted. If so, loot it all and hope for some diamonds. You are now ready to win :D

Tell me what you think of this strategy.

(11) You probably won't have any iron armor, because Iron armor does not spawn in the outside chests, and you won't have that many iron bars to craft armor. You will be very weak up against chainmail/gold/iron armored villains at this point.

(12) You want to be at the corn right before the chests refill. There is always someone at the corn waiting to loot it all. If you choose the inferior pink-floored house over this, you are basically giving everyone else the goodies. Have fun fighting someone in full iron with 4 golden apples and a diamond sword while you just got your 4th piece of leather armor in the village.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I always dash the corn, you're bound to get at least 1 item out of it, so why not take it?
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