• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Goodbye + Plat Donor Giveaway ;)


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
First of all, sorry for overreacting after the first thread was moved. Now for the second thread...

I have decided to leave the community for the following reasons:
  • Chad is not active enough in the community. I don't want to repeat myself, so if you want to know what I think needs to happen read this: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/prop...gagement-with-the-community-and-staff.265777/
  • I do not think the current administration is doing a good enough job. From what I have seen in some of the resignation letters recently, it seems that there is a little turbulence within the team. I don't think the current admins are doing a bad job or anything, I just think some fresh ideas from someone new might help.
  • The developers are not doing enough. This is not their fault, I know their personal lives are very busy. Chad needs to hire more. If he can't afford it then he needs to find devs that are able to put in more work, and replace a current dev. If the current devs would like to argue with me and tell me that they put in enough hours, then I am sorry you are not doing a good job. Why do Golden Apples craft into Golden Heads in UHCSG with the name "'s"? This glitch is so OP lol. Taking way too long to get it fixed. Very simple bug. Pretty sure Golden Heads are only meant to be crafted with heads. Pretty sure this is just a matter of them not having enough time, not being bad devs. Regardless, this needs fixing.
  • I am tired of doing what I am doing now and writing about what I think is wrong when I know it will likely never get fixed.
  • I have no motivation to log in to the network.
Now it is time for the shoutouts!

If you did not get a shoutout it means that I have a personal grudge against you and I cannot stand your presence.

jk nobody is getting one cause I am lazy.

Don't have much else to say. I will log out Monday forever unless Chad returns, and/or big changes occur. I hope this server stays around for a while longer. If you want to stay in contact you can always DM me on Twitter. Don't PM me on the forums cause I am not going to log in again for a while at least starting Monday.


Overall, I hope that my three year presence on here including a year as staff was more good than bad. Sorry for all the treble that I have caused over the years. I never got a single mute or ban that wasn't successfully disputed though. So I guess I wasn't that bad. Well actually I have gotten two forum bans, but whatever. That was two years ago or something.


oh one last thing, I did actually shoutout someone. First person to reply to the thread and tag the correct person will win a platinum donor rank on MCGamer. The code will be PMed to you on the forums within the next 10 years (all you get is personal satisfaction).
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Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
I completely agree. 1st! Btw I hate to see you go :( You were a great mod when you lasted. I know I already have platinum but I want to give to my brother so we can play together more :) Tagging jk
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
1st! Btw I hate to see you go :( You were a great mod when you lasted. I know I already have platinum but I want to give to my brother so we can play together more :) Tagging jk
LOL, I think I am going to add "giveaway" to the title. THIS THREAD IS GETTING THE VIEWS NOW XD


May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Bye Arsenal :/
I'll miss ya pal. We never spoke much at all but you seem like a great guy.
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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I literally read treble and was like "either Arsenal made a typo or this is a low key Alyssa tag"

Anyway, I'm sorry that you're going to leave. I mean I'll see you around on Twitter and stuff but either way you were one of the people really fighting for good, so it's sad to see that we won't have you anymore. It's good to focus your energy elsewhere where you may be able to make a difference (unfortunately the current state of the administration - which is no one's fault individually, but collectively it's hard with an owner that isn't making many public or internal appearances - makes it hard for anyone to make change)

Hasta luego


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I literally read treble and was like "either Arsenal made a typo or this is a low key Alyssa tag"

Anyway, I'm sorry that you're going to leave. I mean I'll see you around on Twitter and stuff but either way you were one of the people really fighting for good, so it's sad to see that we won't have you anymore. It's good to focus your energy elsewhere where you may be able to make a difference (unfortunately the current state of the administration - which is no one's fault individually, but collectively it's hard with an owner that isn't making many public or internal appearances - makes it hard for anyone to make change)

Hasta luego
Yep, focusing my effort on development efforts for other MC networks now instead.

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