I tried to hard to tell staff this when they were considering it lol. It has nothing to do with my spot on the leaderboards, it had everything to do with what would happen afterwards.
We all knew that tryharding/over competetiveness would be at an all time high after the reset, heck, it was already getting kinda bad before the reset.
All mcgamer did was take all the long time members of the community, the ones dedicated to the server for all these years, and rewarded them with pretty much erasing their stats completely, unless you know how to find it in the puzzle of the current leaderboards. The reset brought the worst kind of people, who will do anything for a win, instead of playing for fun like the old leaderboards players did for so long.
I said it back then, every game that dies, can be traced back to 1 update that mark the start of it all, well, McGamer had 2.. the stats reset, and 1.8 ONLY update.
Server might not be 100% dead, but i'm convinced now it will never be anything like it used to be. With the lack of good staff member, the lack of leadership from Chad over the past year, and just the general HATE people have for McGamer now because all its done, even with all the good updates in the world, people are always still gonna hate on it, just because of the past.