Well here is my final picture upload to the Screenshot thread! Its been a good, hard, fun run we went on guys! I hope you guys keep to enjoy MCSG for however long its around, i know i sure did!
There is going to be ALOT of pictures to this post being that these are all the ones i may or may have not uploaded! Enjoy!
First picture has to be a picture showing me being banned! Lol been there done that!
This picture is probably one of the oldest pictures i have. In this picture when the game started i spawned in the lobby? Lol what? There was a YouTube video on it. If you can find it post it on my profile!
These are also really really old pictures back when it was only SG1 and SG2. Back when i was good. Back before lighting corn on fire was cool. Yes it was so far back that
Cfor85 was still Admin.
No on to present day! The four Blamoshis! Yoshi skin with Blamph eye! Yoshi skin originally worn by
Biffington2 and Blamph eye originally worn by the man himself
Blamph !
Oh yeah guys
kricken 's Mother plays MCSG and likes to keep her safe. WATCH OUT!
Awesome loot! Reppin
OMGjustin 's skin that he found on PMC! Everyone start a TREND! Wear his skin!
Soon after i became a "OMG," me and
OMGjustin became blood brothers. I <3 OMGjustin!
OMGjustin loves chickens. Don't judge him!
Then came the survival server! As you can see me and Justin are BFF! <3 This was our first base! Dirt4Life!
Then, needless to say, we EXPANDED TO THIS GIANT BASE! All wrapped in obsidian!
OMGjustin Lukas Bisket bradenthekid007 WalkerRed Randard1200 SamDude09 & all the others in Behemoth that i don't remember!