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Pacat ca esti in clanCat cancer pe un joc din cubulete gj Romania
Why should we accept you? because pvp nebun
Why do you want to join? good players
Donor on MCSG? no
Previous clans? Redlight WinterBodyguards HazardB TheDemons NoSscope etc
Skype name? mariusmosulet
IRL Name? marius
W/L Ratio? 126/1029
Country? romania
Age? 14
IGN? rhkmn
DECLINEDWhy should we accept you? Because i'm a decent player
Why do you want to join? Because is a good clan.
Donor on MCSG? yes
Previous clans? ConclavE // TheGodFather // HeavenAce etc.
Skype name? dennis.tocaci45
IRL Name? Dennis
W/L Ratio? 286/2172
Country? romania
Age? 14
IGN? Nageb
DECLINEDWhy should we accept you? pentru ca vreau sa ajut clan-ul la Clan War
Why do you want to join?
Donor on MCSG? No
Previous clans? The Demons, Examinate
Skype name? antal.raul1
IRL Name? Raul
W/L Ratio? 377/2167 = 1/5
Country? Romania
Age? 17
IGN? RauLzisTitaN
DECLINEDWhy should we accept you : Ma consider un player destul de bun,marian20cm ma cunoaste.
Why do you want to join : Deoarece in fosturile clanuri au fost numai copii,aici sunt persoane de peste 14 ani asa ca am cu cine vorbii.
Donor on MCSG : -
Previous clans : TheDemons
Skype name : stef13.benchea
IRL Name : Stefan Benchea
W/L Ratio : 72/720
Country : Romania
Age : 17
IGN : RupFicatuMoca
Nu vorbeam de clanul asta, ziceam de "oamenii" foarte corecti care se oftica pe 1 joc cu cubulete =]Pacat ca esti in clan
Nu am scriu eu atunci ,scrisese swaky dar nu mai are thread-ul acum, este doar al meuNu vorbeam de clanul asta, ziceam de "oamenii" foarte corecti care se oftica pe 1 joc cu cubulete =]