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How Can MCGamer Be Saved???


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
As one of the longest standing players in this community, it is extremely sad to see this community slowly fade away to nothing, especially with AU being taken away from us. I am here to offer some ideas to the members of higher staff (and ughh... the remaining Devs??) on how maybe, just maybe this server can step in the right direction. This thread will probably cover some things which Pyr mentioned in the Message to MCSG video. The community itself is partly to blame for this downfall. When AU was removed I myself said some pretty bad things which I regret, but I can't take that back now, I just have to try make up for it. Servers can normally work around toxic communities and fix things, which is what separates the normal servers to the great servers, and this was once a great server.

The AntiCheat:
I don't even need to say anything, we all know it's pretty broken. It kicks people who are playing normally, and doesn't ban the correct people.
I suggest that the Devs on this server scrap the current AntiCheat COMPLETELY and start over, starting by covering the basics, such as Fly hacking, Speed hacking, and Huzuni Kill Aura. Halt all work on future updates, FIX THE ANTICHEAT FIRST, but still cover bugs that arise on the servers.
If they can succeed in doing this correctly, they can slowly tweak the system to add to the Anticheat by slowly covering different different cheats and even tackle ghost clients.
We all saw how the AntiCheat performed when they tried to set up everything at once. I believe that by executing this method, the AntiCheat will be more stable and reliable, and especially keep out Public Alt cheaters at the very least. This would be the first step in the right direction.

Quantum donor was clearly a huge hit when it released for a limited time late last year. Bring it back, make it permanent. From what I saw when it was available on AU, so many people had it. Just release it permanently, and it may attract customers to upgrade or purchase.

Punishment System:
The current punishment system is far too harsh. It chases people from the server. The current chat rules cater for PG, but nowadays everyone who mostly still plays these servers are probably 14-15+ in age. Everyone has grown up, and are being restricted in what they are allowed to say in game, and the punishments are even harsher when you slip up. Also in terms of Chat Flooding, I have friends who were permanently muted for putting "!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the end of the sentence. Flooding is an intentional chat offense normally when someone goes over the top on purpose. ie: "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
not the example above.
Just look at the forums. The way people interact especially in the Clan Section. This isn't a PG server anymore. Give people freedom in chat.

Moving on to Hacking punishments. I believe the 9 month rule is pretty outrageously long. Someone can change in way less than 9 months. When someone gets banned for hacking, and when they see their appeal denied, they just come back on Public alts and continue rage hacking, or they buy a new account and bypass. I think the punishment system should be adapted to go back to second chance hacking punishments for hackers, but increase the 1 week first offence ban to maybe 4 or 6 weeks.

Drop Useless Gamemodes:
Title speaks for itself. All the gamemodes are 1.8 and most players use 1.7 to Pvp, leaving the gamemodes completely empty. I think that the server should can all the dead gamemodes, and mainly focus on keeping BattleGrounds and SG running strong, and potentially add a 1v1 System which EVERYONE literally everyone wants.

This is a stretch of our imagination, but plz. I just want good ping again ;-; and not have to wake up at like 10am to CB on US if a clan I'm in ever gets one.

So ye, a lot of what I have touched on is probably a lot of self bias, but that's the sort of ideas and criticism this server needs.
I also probably said some stupid stuff which doesn't make sense ;D




Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
Rehashes points brought up in many previous threads, but that doesn't mean said points aren't extremely valid. Agree wholeheartedly, except for the punishment bit - I'll keep my opinion regarding what you said about that to myself.


Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
This is a stretch of our imagination, but plz. I just want good ping again ;-; and not have to wake up at like 10am to CB on US if a clan I'm in ever gets one.


Oct 19, 2015
Reaction score
You couldn't of said it any better, Well spoken. If only they listened to what the community wants :)

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