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What MCSG can bring back. What were the mistakes. Memories?


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
There are legit no updates. There's no hype to play... it's the same thing over and over when you don't have higher staff listening to what the community wants it's just going to eventually die. Chad hasn't been back since his announcement of taking AU down (which was his first time getting on in months, but he was only on for a day). I mean it's true that this game was based off hunger games and that we're not going to have the large amount of players that we had when the first two movies were out, but in the end is that really the problem? Also, where does our money from donor go to? Obviously none of it goes back into improving the server because we don't get any updates other than having regions removed.
pretty much, but we managed to survive this way for quite a long time


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
1 thing that I think will personally make a change , Bring back Dave.

You have struggled with admins for a while now and you have found 2 good ones but 2 isn't enough , I've worked alongside Dave as an administrator and he knows so much about everything and he will do nothing but benefit the server.


Dec 31, 2013
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Im pretty sure anybody besides chad in this community would be better than him because they would actually be motivated to do something ._.


Mar 3, 2014
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(insert 1,300 word essay here)
It's been a week since I made this post, and I have definitely changed my opinions on some things.

Firstly, the Badlion merge would be horrible for the server. Badlion is the main contributing reason as to why mcsg is dying - it's shifting the pvp community towards a more competitive feel. As such, the community is extremely toxic. But they do handle it very well (far far far better than mcsg does) and I think it's more of a last resort. The kohi merge has had some pretty disgusting outcries and made me lose quite a lot of faith in the competitive pvp community. But mcsg isn't really like that. Sure, people can go competitive, but there's essentially no sweat over someone's little elo. It's more of a community here, as cheesy as that may sound.

Chad still hasn't even come online. Slowly we are losing hope, but this week has showed that the community really wants to make a difference. I know that there are staff who are seriously trying, but it must be hard when the owner can't even come online once in a month onto his own server. He just doesn't seem to understand the community; "most of au plays on us anyway, we're not loosing much" - ChadTheDJ, 2016.

honestly where do you even get your facts from? use some common sense

I feel like this is the bottom line and is responsible for all the chaos following it. We've been left in complete darkness after an entire community was stripped from the server. Something needs to happen to get Chad to at least read some posts; even better, listen to them. Now I do understand that this isn't his primary job, it's more of a hobby. But why would anyone let such a huge thing go to waste so easily? You'd think he could come online at least once.

I'm starting to crave AU seriously bad. And I'm sure so many other players are too. Badlion just does not feel the same; it's so limited in maps and the players are usually the same in every game because not many people know about it (also the hit detection is very different imo). Honestly I find the whole post about it being taken down seriously fishy, I mean, "issues with the host"? You've got to be kidding me. I saw so many replies suggesting new hosts. Honestly we don't care about a few extra ms. We'd rather have our region lmao.

I guess where I'm trying to go with this pretty much pointless rant is that chad needs to come online soon and talk about the future or we're pretty much doomed. Without an owner, the server runs around like a headless cockroach. It may last a while, but eventually it's going to die.

It really does suck, but we've got to keep trying.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
1 thing that I think will personally make a change , Bring back Dave.

You have struggled with admins for a while now and you have found 2 good ones but 2 isn't enough , I've worked alongside Dave as an administrator and he knows so much about everything and he will do nothing but benefit the server.
yet when dave was admin it seemed half the community hated his guts

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