My biggest suggestion to MCSG in all honestly would be to merge with Badlion. Kohi is officially merging with Badlion in order to maximize pvp. Badlion gets 5k+ people on average and now kohi players aswell. If MCSG were to merge with badlion magically, they could benefit from large amount of players, extra staff help and clans would blow up. It's just mcsg ncp would have to transfer to badlion. MCSG would gain some things they haven't achieved in the past 4 years, 5k+ players, a good anticheat, staff who can actually find hacks. It would be fun.
Such a good idea. Badlion is taking over, it's the least MCSG can do. (and there'd be an AU again). The way they handle bans is so well done, I mean, almost 500K people are banned on there
As for why MCSG is dying, I personally think it's the lack of transparency between the staff and players and their anticheat.
Chad can't even come online to say ANYTHING about the whole AU situation. He hasn't been online since he made the post which is quickly becoming mcgamer's most replied thread.
Which brings me to the Antvenom merge and the whole "MCGamer" thing. They gained almost NOTHING out of it (in terms of players/fame.) Antvenom honestly didn't even give a single Good (edit: omg they actually censored that, I'll put feces instead) about mcsg when they merged. And because his server was mostly aimed at kids, MCG started (somewhat) aiming their server at his non existent playerbase. In turn, they added so many pointless gamemodes which basically no one plays. Wasted money. They even tried to join the UHC fad, which Badlion had already capitalised off of.
And they never listened to us about it. I only recently came back after leaving in late 2014, and I have to say, nothing has improved. Even back then we thought the new gamemodes were pointless and boring.
You built your server around one gamemode, don't try to become something which your players don't want to play.
Because I was gone for 2015, I can't say anything from experience about the forced 1.8 switch and how long it took them to revert back to 1.7. But I know how crap 1.8/9 pvp is and it's sad that such a competitive server didn't.
Badlion is taking over. Why? Because it understands and listens to its playerbase. I made a bug report thread on there about how Zone 85 crashed the AU SG servers. An OWNER replied, tagging a dev, who then fixed it. If I posted a similar thread here, at most a mod would SEE it, and it's even less of a chance for them to actually bother to reply to it.
Don't get me wrong, some of the staff here are amazing. They do their job well. But for others, mod seems to be more of a title.
Just talking about the mods will probably get this post deleted. And frankly mods, if you do, you're only reinforcing my point; censorship on the forums and in game. You act like your playerbase is 9 years old, censoring any word you consider 'bad'. This brings back to what I said about aiming their server at the wrong people. Badlion doesn't filter anything (directly through chat); but they have
chatmods. Mods who monitor the chat. And it works so well. Having such a toxic community, these are essential. I mean, look at their punishments page. They've almost given out a million punishments, mostly mutes, not bans. No one should be banned for swearing indirectly in chat. But instead, here you are perm banning people who voice their opinion about a mod lightly. No joke.
I had a friend in 2014 (mind you, he already had a warning or two for a similar reason, but even those were completely false) who called a mod something which he didn't like. I was in the game with him, and from what I can remember, it wasn't even that bad. Halfway through the game he got PERM BANNED. When he tried to appeal, they found a screenshot of him saying 'mcsg sucks' in chat as a joke, and because the word 'sucks' was censored, they thought he was saying something else (which wouldn't have been that bad anyway lmao) and rejected it. Sure Badlion will mute you for saying their server sucks, but it's usually a light punishment to keep the chat clean. It's only a ban if you're repetitively encouraging suicide or something as serious as that (even then, I'm pretty sure it's a perm mute).
I promise this is my last point. I've wanted to write this essay ever since I came back haha.
MCSG can't adapt. The pvp community has changed so much since I left, in terms of skill, plays, etc. I really can't say much here, but ultimately this is what will bring the server to the ground. As much as I hate to say that.
tl;dr: Lack of staff transparency, censorship, antvenom merge, they can't adapt, they don't listen to their players, they aim their server at the wrong people, their anticheat, and ultimately their struggle to adapt are what are bringing the server down.
ok, I swear this is my last point this time.
So, I can rant about it all I want, but the real question asked here was how they can fix it. And honestly, they've gone too far. They can try, but the removal of AU was bigger than a lot of people made it out to be. It showed how much chad himself cares about the server nowadays, as sad as that is.
I made a list of ways they could attempt to fix it (to save time and space lmao)
- Remove all your pointless gamemodes. No one plays them, they waste so much of your declining budget.
- Stop censoring everything, get some chatmods. Let us swear, just as long as we aren't trying to offend anyone. We aren't kids, believe it or not.
- Ask for help from the community. You're obviously in trouble right now, and you aren't asking the easiest source for help. If you had asked us to either fund or find new servers for AU, the community would have been more than happy to do that. Don't leave us in the dark;
- Become more transparent. I know the mods were starting to get better last year (from what I can see), but especially Chad.
- Last resort; merge with Badlion. Honestly I think this is where we're almost headed. You stand no chance against them. You tried to steal the UHC craze from them, and you failed. Now they're about to steal your gamemode from you. I dislike Badlion SG, but it's all I have to play. MCSG could live on as SG on Badlion. I know that sounds ridiculous to you; you've always wanted to be independent. But you've messed up and this is really the only way to stay alive.
Thanks for reading this thousand word essay, but I've wanted to express my feelings for a while. There is a small chance for MCSG in the future, but at this rate, I don't see many good things.
The sad truth is that no one important will mostly likely read this thread, but whatever. At least I can copy and paste this somewhere else if I need to.
I won't talk about my memories right now (I'm not a pessimist ok) because this thread is wayy too long, but I will say that I love this server. I don't want it to die, and the threat of Badlion is pretty scary. I have so many memories of 2014 and I would love to relive that now that I have returned.
Again, thanks for reading and let's hope this server can go back to its peak.