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The Roast of Mark27


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all, so as some of you may know I have not been the biggest fan of Mark27 so I thought I would start a roast thread!

Well...that is one way to get people to click on a thread. Unfortunately this is not a roast thread. This is more of a thread to hopefully get people in the ex-AU community to chill out a bit and stop hating on people such as Mark. So there has been a lot of toxicity in the AU and US community recently (not sure about EU sorry) not just on MCSG but on Badlion as well so I thought I could use Mark as a sort of example of people who should not be and do not deserve to be getting this hate.
Whilst I will admit I used to not particularly like him as he can act a bit salty and says some things that he does not mean in chat, if you would just leave your egos behind and simply talk to him or any people that you do not necessarily like you would fin that they are quite nice and civil peole. This is what I did recently as I was not a fan of him then decided to simply have a chat on the MCGamer Teamspeak and straighten things out, turns out he is a really cool guy. During this once conversation that I have had with him we spoke about everything from Blockgames to life, sport and driving. So I have a couple of topics that stood out to me that I thought I should talk about briefly I hope you enjoy and most importantly learn a thing or two :).

Firstly I would just like to clarify a few things about Mark in particular. He is not a bad guy if you talk to him, he has a great personality, good aspirations and positive philosophies and attitudes that should guide everyone's life. Another common misconception is that he just sits at home and sweats mineman pvp games all day as he has a lot of wins on the MCSG leaderboards. I can assure you though he does have a life. He plays tennis and does very well in it (I believe that he is in the top 1000 tennis players in Australia, might be wrong there), he is an aspiring model (I know right I am jealous too) currently waiting on a position at a successful modelling agency in his city. So congratulations on that one Mark. He also obviously focuses highly on school which everyone should do if I'm being honest and I believe he does well in that too and only plays MCSG or Badlion when he has some free time to kill between winning the Australian Open or being apart of a real life Zoolander type situation. Also I also know that a lot of people hate on him for teaming a bit, but cmon if you are just playing this game for fun there is no point just playing by yourself all the time everyone wants to play with friends. It's like Mario Kart you play for a bit by yourself but then you realise "oh wait, you know what? this would be the ultimate party game, I should call some friends over." and then you get carried away until you have no friends left because of Bullet Bill and the stupid Blue shell that just happens to show up when you get in first. Okay I'm getting sidetracked but simply put Mark is a great guy who likes to play this game for fun.

For my second point I would like to discuss this idea of rumours being spread just because a lot of people believing it and a mob like mentality when everyone knows something bad that may or may not be true about someone. So this has been going on for a lot of people for example Mark as rumours have been spread about him which I will not discuss here as some of them are quite explicit. But basically if you hear something that is even a little hard to believe then you should probably not believe it until there is some actual proof. Simply believing something because one of your friends on ts said so it not how you should go about things. Also this mob hate situation that has been going on for quite some time is ridiculous. You should not all gang up on someone because one person has some beef with them. If there is beef between two people just let them deal with it, there is no need for you to get involved. Bottom line people make up your own minds, and form your own opinion of people. Lastly if you are going to Good talk someone don't hide behind and MC-Alt or whatever the cool kids are using now, just go on your main account (however I believe that the mods might have something to say about blatantly abusing people on any account ;)) and start arguments on that. Just stop being insensitive a-holes who don't know what the meaning of integrity is.

I would now like to give Mark an opportunity to say some things in regards to all this hate he has been getting and in general is just an apology (btw this is just copied from something he posted recently so you don't have to read this part if you don't want to or if you have already seen it) -

Hey everyone as you know my name is Mark, or in game as many people know me Mark27. I have a lot of topics that i would like to get off my chest today in this tweet, because i am wanting to start fresh with everyone.

First off, for obvious reasons i have made a new twitter and have changed my ign on Minecraft to Linkiss, this is because i want to try something new and start new with all of you. hopefully this can help.

I want to also mention that i am very sorry to all the people that i have upset over the past over Minecraft, and i know my actions weren't very good and i do apologize. I could list a lot of names of people who i have upset in the past, but i'd be here for a while, so let's keep it simple. I am very sorry for being abusive in game and on social media at times, i don't know why this game makes me very mad sometimes, but i am trying to get over that because i know that in real life i am not like that at all.

I also wanted to talk about my actual life. Many of you think that i just sweat out a game and i don't have a life and don't go outside and all. I understand where you are coming from seeing that i have played a huge amount of mcsg games. But i wanted to talk about what i do with my life other than play mcsg.

I have a tennis career which is going very well, i may play nationals at the end of this year and my ranking has improved heaps. This is my life long passion and i hope to continue tennis for my future and make a career out of it. I also like to watch tv in my spare time, and sometime read some interesting books. I like my life to be good and i follow my life by a bunch of basic rules that can make anyone's life much more happy.

In real life i am a very happy person and i have made a good group of friends at school, and i try a lot a school to get good scores and grades in most subjects because i want to do well. So as you can see mcsg is not my life at all.

I play mcsg mostly at nights for 1-3 hours just usually by myself or with my friend Ryan/Lamborghini. On here i get called, Hacker/Booster/6 Team and more. This could maybe lead to me saying some bad things to people because there is really no need to call me all of this and to make fun of me behind a keyboard, because i'm sure 90% of you would not be able to say all this crap to me in real life to my face. But as i said i have said some bad things to people and i would really like to take it back, I do want to start new with everyone and make some new friends and basically just be compatible with everyone.

I hope everyone who reads this can forgive me for my mistakes and is willing to start fresh with me and i am more than happy to do the exact same. Feel free to spread this around so everyone can see it.

I'd also like to make one more comment, thanks to Ryan/Lamborghini for being my best friend for the past 2 years, i don't know what i'd do without you buddy.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope we can begin this new journey together.

Mark / Linkiss​

Just a little something I think everyone should live by that Mark sent me- https://gyazo.com/2a4d478e6e6949c892a352dce1b91f1b

Anyway that is my whole opinion on this topic of abuse towards Mark and people in general, I hope this can open some peoples eyes and maybe show them that they should be kinder on blockgames.

TL;DR don't be an a-hole and stop abusing people such as Mark27

Ok so I'm out cya later.
*flies away*


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
yeah i dont like mark27 either i agree with the thread!


Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all, so as some of you may know I have not been the biggest fan of Mark27 so I thought I would start a roast thread!

Well...that is one way to get people to click on a thread. Unfortunately this is not a roast thread. This is more of a thread to hopefully get people in the ex-AU community to chill out a bit and stop hating on people such as Mark. So there has been a lot of toxicity in the AU and US community recently (not sure about EU sorry) not just on MCSG but on Badlion as well so I thought I could use Mark as a sort of example of people who should not be and do not deserve to be getting this hate.
Whilst I will admit I used to not particularly like him as he can act a bit salty and says some things that he does not mean in chat, if you would just leave your egos behind and simply talk to him or any people that you do not necessarily like you would fin that they are quite nice and civil peole. This is what I did recently as I was not a fan of him then decided to simply have a chat on the MCGamer Teamspeak and straighten things out, turns out he is a really cool guy. During this once conversation that I have had with him we spoke about everything from Blockgames to life, sport and driving. So I have a couple of topics that stood out to me that I thought I should talk about briefly I hope you enjoy and most importantly learn a thing or two :).

Firstly I would just like to clarify a few things about Mark in particular. He is not a bad guy if you talk to him, he has a great personality, good aspirations and positive philosophies and attitudes that should guide everyone's life. Another common misconception is that he just sits at home and sweats mineman pvp games all day as he has a lot of wins on the MCSG leaderboards. I can assure you though he does have a life. He plays tennis and does very well in it (I believe that he is in the top 1000 tennis players in Australia, might be wrong there), he is an aspiring model (I know right I am jealous too) currently waiting on a position at a successful modelling agency in his city. So congratulations on that one Mark. He also obviously focuses highly on school which everyone should do if I'm being honest and I believe he does well in that too and only plays MCSG or Badlion when he has some free time to kill between winning the Australian Open or being apart of a real life Zoolander type situation. Also I also know that a lot of people hate on him for teaming a bit, but cmon if you are just playing this game for fun there is no point just playing by yourself all the time everyone wants to play with friends. It's like Mario Kart you play for a bit by yourself but then you realise "oh wait, you know what? this would be the ultimate party game, I should call some friends over." and then you get carried away until you have no friends left because of Bullet Bill and the stupid Blue shell that just happens to show up when you get in first. Okay I'm getting sidetracked but simply put Mark is a great guy who likes to play this game for fun.

For my second point I would like to discuss this idea of rumours being spread just because a lot of people believing it and a mob like mentality when everyone knows something bad that may or may not be true about someone. So this has been going on for a lot of people for example Mark as rumours have been spread about him which I will not discuss here as some of them are quite explicit. But basically if you hear something that is even a little hard to believe then you should probably not believe it until there is some actual proof. Simply believing something because one of your friends on ts said so it not how you should go about things. Also this mob hate situation that has been going on for quite some time is ridiculous. You should not all gang up on someone because one person has some beef with them. If there is beef between two people just let them deal with it, there is no need for you to get involved. Bottom line people make up your own minds, and form your own opinion of people. Lastly if you are going to Good talk someone don't hide behind and MC-Alt or whatever the cool kids are using now, just go on your main account (however I believe that the mods might have something to say about blatantly abusing people on any account ;)) and start arguments on that. Just stop being insensitive a-holes who don't know what the meaning of integrity is.

I would now like to give Mark an opportunity to say some things in regards to all this hate he has been getting and in general is just an apology (btw this is just copied from something he posted recently so you don't have to read this part if you don't want to or if you have already seen it) -

Hey everyone as you know my name is Mark, or in game as many people know me Mark27. I have a lot of topics that i would like to get off my chest today in this tweet, because i am wanting to start fresh with everyone.

First off, for obvious reasons i have made a new twitter and have changed my ign on Minecraft to Linkiss, this is because i want to try something new and start new with all of you. hopefully this can help.

I want to also mention that i am very sorry to all the people that i have upset over the past over Minecraft, and i know my actions weren't very good and i do apologize. I could list a lot of names of people who i have upset in the past, but i'd be here for a while, so let's keep it simple. I am very sorry for being abusive in game and on social media at times, i don't know why this game makes me very mad sometimes, but i am trying to get over that because i know that in real life i am not like that at all.

I also wanted to talk about my actual life. Many of you think that i just sweat out a game and i don't have a life and don't go outside and all. I understand where you are coming from seeing that i have played a huge amount of mcsg games. But i wanted to talk about what i do with my life other than play mcsg.

I have a tennis career which is going very well, i may play nationals at the end of this year and my ranking has improved heaps. This is my life long passion and i hope to continue tennis for my future and make a career out of it. I also like to watch tv in my spare time, and sometime read some interesting books. I like my life to be good and i follow my life by a bunch of basic rules that can make anyone's life much more happy.

In real life i am a very happy person and i have made a good group of friends at school, and i try a lot a school to get good scores and grades in most subjects because i want to do well. So as you can see mcsg is not my life at all.

I play mcsg mostly at nights for 1-3 hours just usually by myself or with my friend Ryan/Lamborghini. On here i get called, Hacker/Booster/6 Team and more. This could maybe lead to me saying some bad things to people because there is really no need to call me all of this and to make fun of me behind a keyboard, because i'm sure 90% of you would not be able to say all this crap to me in real life to my face. But as i said i have said some bad things to people and i would really like to take it back, I do want to start new with everyone and make some new friends and basically just be compatible with everyone.

I hope everyone who reads this can forgive me for my mistakes and is willing to start fresh with me and i am more than happy to do the exact same. Feel free to spread this around so everyone can see it.

I'd also like to make one more comment, thanks to Ryan/Lamborghini for being my best friend for the past 2 years, i don't know what i'd do without you buddy.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope we can begin this new journey together.

Mark / Linkiss​

Just a little something I think everyone should live by that Mark sent me- https://gyazo.com/2a4d478e6e6949c892a352dce1b91f1b

Anyway that is my whole opinion on this topic of abuse towards Mark and people in general, I hope this can open some peoples eyes and maybe show them that they should be kinder on blockgames.

TL;DR don't be an a-hole and stop abusing people such as Mark27

Ok so I'm out cya later.
*flies away*
And the tennis career comes up again.

No one cares about his god damn tennis aspirations.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Ermahgerd I will lock the threadeded.

In all seriousness though, I'm glad people such as yourself have finally come out and begun to tell the real truth that's been known as our issue in MCGamer. We need to learn to become humble, and tolerant people, and I'm so happy you've talked about the mob-mentality problems going on around this community, and the internet in general. Because this is occurring so often, that it's becoming absolutely wrong for such a society to do, something that's not civil.

From my perspective, I've always come to think that those who solely rely on the "support" of their friends or fans to lash out on someone are the most vulnerable themselves, because they clearly are unable to build up the confidence and reach a compromise with the person they have been conflicting with. Ultimately, it really isn't as difficult to find resolve between conflict as so many people anticipate it to be.

I'm honestly surprised that some people still do these kinds of things, because involving ourselves with drama that does not concern us whatsoever is only going to add fuel to the fire. The only time a third party should ever intervene is when something like this isn't a conflict, but instead plain, cruel harassment. That's when things need to stop.

Once again, thanks for sharing this with everyone, it really means a lot to me knowing how often I have to see this kind of situation in my life. <3


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Ermahgerd I will lock the threadeded.

In all seriousness though, I'm glad people such as yourself have finally come out and begun to tell the real truth that's been known as our issue in MCGamer. We need to learn to become humble, and tolerant people, and I'm so happy you've talked about the mob-mentality problems going on around this community, and the internet in general. Because this is occurring so often, that it's becoming absolutely wrong for such a society to do, something that's not civil.

From my perspective, I've always come to think that those who solely rely on the "support" of their friends or fans to lash out on someone are the most vulnerable themselves, because they clearly are unable to build up the confidence and reach a compromise with the person they have been conflicting with. Ultimately, it really isn't as difficult to find resolve between conflict as so many people anticipate it to be.

I'm honestly surprised that some people still do these kinds of things, because involving ourselves with drama that does not concern us whatsoever is only going to add fuel to the fire. The only time a third party should ever intervene is when something like this isn't a conflict, but instead plain, cruel harassment. That's when things need to stop.

Once again, thanks for sharing this with everyone, it really means a lot to me knowing how often I have to see this kind of situation in my life. <3
Cheers for taking the time to actually read the thread and taking the main points seriously :). Best mod 2k16????

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