IGN: Saliv | Saqy, Saldo
Name/Nickname: Erik / Saliv
Skype ID: tuberhd
Level of English {1-10}: 9
Stats On Main Account {Wins/Losses}: 1118 / 134 (who cares about stats? I play because It's fun)
Previous Clans: VirusEU, x6tence, Meldrum
Strengths in PvP/Clan Battles: Bowing from distance (bowfights), boosting and strategies.
Weaknesses in PvP/Clan Battles: Sword team fights close to eachother.
Why You Want to Join Hacks Are Us:Because I have met you guys in other cw's. And I ahev always been thinking that you guys are a really good clan. So now when I'm clanless it would be nice if I could be whit you guys and win cw's and become the number 1 on the leaderboard