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Who is moRroW?


Mar 19, 2016
Reaction score
Hi :)

My name is Guy. My previous in-game names were meblubs23 and TickleGod for anyone wondering. You probably have never heard of me nor do you care but I just thought that I would bring that up.

I started playing on these servers around 2012 and have had many mind sets towards this game. At first I was just casually playing this game and it kinda grew on me because of my competitive nature. I just really wanted to get better at the game but I just wasn't as good as I wanted to be.
so I decided to install hacks. Im not very happy at myself for doing that back then.
Later on with my times here I was getting better and better. I was joining some pretty good clans and I had even got into the top 2000 players (I was really proud of that). But then decided to quit because I just wasn't enjoying this at all. I didn't like clans and I just didn't feel like playing anymore.
I came back thinking like an idiot. Me and my friends decided it would be fun to install hacks again and turn most of the hacks on. We got permanently banned after a couple days.
Now I'm back and I'm really annoyed at myself for doing that. I told you people this stuff because for some reason it felt right to. I've done wrong to this community and have made the game worse for others. I just feel like I deserve some criticism thrown at me or something.

So thats my past with this server. I've met a lot of amazing people along the way. But I'm here to make a new start with new friends and to have another great and long experience with the MCGamer community.

Oh and I almost forgot.. If you would like to just play with me, heres my Skype : guymiller23
(keep in mind, I live in Australia. Oh yeah and I kinda suck :D)

If I have made a grammatical mistake or Ive said something that doesn't make sense, could someone please tell me? Im really tired and can't be bothered to check :sleep: :zzz:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I had even got into the top 2000 players (I was really proud of that)
I was pretty proud of that as well when I first got in the top 2,000 with probably about 250 wins which was considered half decent at the time :p

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