Several months ago an aspiring Dev, who went by the nickname of "Clank" was uploading a new server build. He was a foolish young Developer and made a mistake, a simple mistake, but a dire mistake. The server build went through well, and to the best of his knowledge, his blunder did nothing. And for a time it did. Things went on as usual in the MCSG community. This was all about to change...
When Clank uploaded the build only a single error occured. A seal was broken, this seal held an acient evil known as "The Arena Master" The Master remained dormant for many months, unaware that the seal binding him was cracked. Many months past, creatures known as Baccas took over MCSG, things changed, and the mods began going through a mass exodus. In a fit of curious rage, The Master attempted to return to the domain he once dominated him. He was shocked to see that the seal keeping him away, was broken.
The Master was overjoyed, he set off to return to his spot as "#1". He couldn't do it without help. He set off to return to full strength. The Master was a silver tounged fellow, he discovered that the seal keeping from the TS domain was also cracked. He went in, and spoke with a mod. He convinced them to un-seal his path to the bank of information - "The Great Forums" He makes a most pleasong discovery on his entrence to the Forum... His arch enemy, the women who sealed him away in the first place, was gone. Karoleigh was gone.
To this day.... The master lurks among us, preparing to launch his assult and re-claim control of the MCSG. Beware.