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Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
SG2 was just an example guys. There is SG3, Tresoracse Heights 2 (idk how to spell it), Ragnarok, Sg1, ETC

Nobody likes maps with bad tiering and no OP routes.
For the record, I love SG1, 2, 3, as well Treacherous Heights 1 & 2. Ragnorak is neutral by my standards.


Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
Your least favorite maps could be someone else's favorite maps. I personally don't have any problems with any of the current maps.


Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Please get rid of the maps that nobody votes for anymore, because it annoys a lot of people when we join a lobby with no 'good' maps.
Ofcourse, there will be that 1 guy who likes it but no point
I mean these kind of maps,

Like seriously does anyone here actually LIKE Survival Games 2?? Huge map, takes 5 hours, 99% tier 1's
Just as an example, there are many other maps like this
You guys have to realise that the community likes SMALL, OP, maps.
Alaskan Village
Valleyside University
Par 72
Zone 85
Survival Games Adrenaline
I don't know if I'm just unlucky or WHAT because I BARELY find those maps in lobbies, it takes me like 5-10 lobbies just to find one.

My Opinions on the maps in the Screenshot:

My Solution - Play maps you don't like too :3 Because only by playing them do you learn a route and then learn to like them. I mean I used to HATE SG 2 With a Passion - but I learned how to survive on that map, and now it is in my top 10 choices to play - BECAUSE people are unwilling to play it. I mean Origins has always been a kind map for me : 3 I usually end up in diamond gear by death match.

I dislike SG 4 personally, it doesn't suit my play style - But I will still play it if it comes up. :3 I know I can win on that map if I try. Valleyside I dislike, Alaskan I can like or dislike depending on my Mood ;3 SG A again Mood dependent, xD

So what you deem as a "Good Popular map" May not be the case for certain people.

Take a leap of faith, try a map you dislike, I mean if you need a route on any of them I would be happy to oblige, :) Give things a chance before shooting them down - or one or two more goes to get right. Rarely anyone wins the first time they play a map xD Because experience of those who like that map or play it a lot :3


Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Please show us your statistics when you say that nobody likes these maps. Such a bold statement with no evidence to back it up there, pal.


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
People often don't realize that having maps that are small and OP tiering doesn't necessarily mean the map will be popular. The following maps have both of those but aren't popular (arguably):

Hokuno, Elysia, Oz, United Nation, Pompeii, Section Six, Winterhaven (a tad larger than most but incredibly OP tiering), Inertia (pre-nerfed tiering), Mausoleum, etc etc.

That doesn't mean that the maps you listed are good maps. I would argue that 50% of the non-CB maps should be removed by lack of quality. Personally, these are the maps I would remove even if it were fixed (and I could give an explanation as to why for each):

Autogrill, Origins, Hokuno, United Nation, Mausoleum, Bayside, Teweran SG, SG3, Fortune Island, Mortal Skies.

The rest need simple things like a retiering or the radius reduced, things that would take me 10 minutes to do average, maybe 20 mins max per map


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
People often don't realize that having maps that are small and OP tiering doesn't necessarily mean the map will be popular. The following maps have both of those but aren't popular (arguably):

Hokuno, Elysia, Oz, United Nation, Pompeii, Section Six, Winterhaven (a tad larger than most but incredibly OP tiering), Inertia (pre-nerfed tiering), Mausoleum, etc etc.

That doesn't mean that the maps you listed are good maps. I would argue that 50% of the non-CB maps should be removed by lack of quality. Personally, these are the maps I would remove even if it were fixed (and I could give an explanation as to why for each):

Autogrill, Origins, Hokuno, United Nation, Mausoleum, Bayside, Teweran SG, SG3, Fortune Island, Mortal Skies.

The rest need simple things like a retiering or the radius reduced, things that would take me 10 minutes to do average, maybe 20 mins max per map
I feel like some of the maps listed should be removed because personally they aren't the best well I can't say my map is either. But Autogrill should be reconsidered as it's a PMC map and not one that's exclusively submitted to this server.

Surprised you didn't mention Pompeii o lord that map could do with some fine tuning.


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
Surprised you didn't mention Pompeii o lord that map could do with some fine tuning.
Yeah, fine tuning is needed, I didn't say it was good necessarily. I'm borderline about it, definitely not OK with autogrill though


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, fine tuning is needed, I didn't say it was good necessarily. I'm borderline about it, definitely not OK with autogrill though
Some of the ideas of autogril is nice but lacks execution


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
People often don't realize that having maps that are small and OP tiering doesn't necessarily mean the map will be popular. The following maps have both of those but aren't popular (arguably):

Hokuno, Elysia, Oz, United Nation, Pompeii, Section Six, Winterhaven (a tad larger than most but incredibly OP tiering), Inertia (pre-nerfed tiering), Mausoleum, etc etc.

That doesn't mean that the maps you listed are good maps. I would argue that 50% of the non-CB maps should be removed by lack of quality. Personally, these are the maps I would remove even if it were fixed (and I could give an explanation as to why for each):

Autogrill, Origins, Hokuno, United Nation, Mausoleum, Bayside, Teweran SG, SG3, Fortune Island, Mortal Skies.

The rest need simple things like a retiering or the radius reduced, things that would take me 10 minutes to do average, maybe 20 mins max per map
Just going to cut in here but I would like to know what you are basing this off as section six and winterhaven were and I believe still are in the top 10 played maps (I'm basing this off the fact I have seen the numbers myself) another thing is from what I can remember winterhaven is 250 blocks and lastly reducing the size of a map is not as easy as simply putting a smaller dome on it trust me I tried on draycrys.


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to cut in here but I would like to know what you are basing this off as section six and winterhaven were and I believe still are in the top 10 played maps (I'm basing this off the fact I have seen the numbers myself) another thing is from what I can remember winterhaven is 250 blocks and lastly reducing the size of a map is not as easy as simply putting a smaller dome on it trust me I tried on draycrys.
Well if you don't mask air when you make the dome of course it will be difficult as you'll have to rebuild parts of the map. If it's created right then it's an easy fix; I've done it multiple times before. As of winter haven being popular yes it is a great map but it's not a 'cb' map for whatever reason. I highly, highly doubt its in the top 10 maps now, but I would believe top 20. Section Six is a lesser quality map, I say it's down near the middle of the bunch and maybe lower, but not at the bottom. I don't know how recent or accurate your numbers are, but Section Six is definitely not as popular as SG adrenaline

I judge how popular a map is by how often I see it get voted for when SG4 or valley side are also in the queue, it certainly doesn't match it but it will get voted for more than origins :p
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Well if you don't mask air when you make the dome of course it will be difficult as you'll have to rebuild parts of the map. If it's created right then it's an easy fix; I've done it multiple times before. As of winter haven being popular yes it is a great map but it's not a 'cb' map for whatever reason. I highly, highly doubt its in the top 10 maps now, but I would believe top 20. I judge how popular a map is by how often I see it get voted for when SG4 or valley side are also in the queue, it certainly doesn't match it but it will get voted for more than origins :p
I'm fully aware how to do it I am quite experienced in building the main point behind my statement is it's far to much trouble especially given mcg would need to map makers permission to make such a large edit to the map.

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