IGN {Including alts}: flunixxud
Name/Nickname: Flunix
Skype Name: flunix.public
Level of English {1-10}: 8.50/10
Stats {Wins/Losses}: 22/73 or 24/74 ( i am not sure )
Previous Clans: StrongEnough , Redlight ,Macabred , HazardB , and a lot of clans but you don't know them because they are romanian clans .
Strengths in PvP/Clan Battles: Jitterclick , Strategic , Rod , Bow and arrows , And skill
Weaknesses in PvP/ClanBattles: The flint and steel spam , the highgrounders and a little lowgrounders .
Why You Want to Join HacksAre Us: I want to join this clan because i want to help at clan wars and because i will move from the romanian community to english community and i want to make friends