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Carnage [US]


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:Kyruko
Past IGNS: Antisexualism, Alumanarty, Jazlyyn, stickmenzz, Daytons, Caydons
Wins: 10 But Im very good at pvp just don't do much normal matches i usually play battlegrounds or MCSG Maker
Donor: None
Past Clans: Curse
Do You Meet The Requirements Above? Yes
Why Do You Want to Join Carnage?(Explain Briefly): I was in curse as a member but eventually kicked out because of some issues with one of the owners thinking I was hacking and then I said yes I used to use spook and I explained the whole situation I showed them how yes I have an account on the spook website and then explained that i charged back and I should them the chargeback id for 2 months ago but they still thought I was using some kind of modification even though one of there members (ben) obviously uses spook but they won't accept that fact that he is and then he makes up bull Good stories about why he's banned on every other server but MCSG, and I get kicked so they said I was very good play and that I should try out for Carnage so here I am looking for a clan and wondering if ben will ever be exposed ...

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