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- Nov 11, 2015
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gr8 maps and FINALLY!!! u guys removed rebellions district I hate that map :3
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OMG TY1. Rebellion's District
2. Plantations
3 Estyr
Mcsg needs a map community againI'm going to be quite blunt here when I say this is not an update that is needed. A map "fixing" is needed. Maps are poorly tiered throughout the entirety of MCGamer to say the least. To name a few we can throw TSG1 Solar Frost and even SG1 does not have the same tiering as it had previously. I know mods continue to say "Play the beta servers" but who cares? /join sg does not put players into beta servers and I can't be asked to wait around for a lobby to fill up. Granted I could do so I don't know a distinct change log to direct me to play the beta servers over the normal servers. /rant over
RE FREAKING TWEETMcsg needs a map community again