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Top 10 MCSG Players


Feb 11, 2016
Reaction score
People don't understand that this is my opinion, I put Qvn in hourable as a joke, and the unsure section is for people who I don't know if they are legit.

Also Nick is at #9 only cause I haven't really 1v1'd him lately, I put him their from the experience when i fought him last which was like 4ish months ago.
u r qvn go away


Feb 11, 2016
Reaction score
I haven't never been banned for hacks on Kohi when I'm trying on my main whcih has lasted over 3 Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom years. Mcsg I think I've been banned over 100+ times for hacks tbh. But when it comes to my main and cb tryharding I've never been banned. badlion been banned once on my 'main tryhard' i put on a doubleclicker that top kohi players use and got my assed anticheat the first ranked fight LOL
anyway ps:
Everyone on that list is easy except for Jimmy at gapple in his prime


Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
This is people who have not been banned for hacks.
#0 Nick
#1 Intelligent/Jimmy
Protentially the best Sword user on AU, his extremely fast clicking makes it so it take little knockback ensuring that he will almost always gain the first combo. His Rod timing is average but his accuracy is insame. Mediocre FnS and Bow skills.
#2 Randm/???
Hands down the best Rod user on AU. He will most likely ten anyone that isn't possessing a Rod. Bow aim is above average, FnS is Mediocre and Sword skills is average.
#3 GengarHD/Chris
NZ players are always fear cause of their delayed knockback, Chris abuses his lag letting him sword pvp up to standards with Jimmy. Only reason why his #3 is because his KB is based on luck, although he is still a very talented PvPer, Amazing at sword, great at Bow and FnS and insane at Rod spamming.
#4 knowledgeguy/Ryan
Just like Chris, he is an NZ player with delayed KB. He is difficult to sword fight but you can probably pull it off at one stage or another. He is more of a defensive player meaning he will bow spam the absolute crap out of you, although it is also smart. He's FnS aim is amazing, Rod am is mediocre althought is timing is almost perfect.
#5 nush/???
nush is a badlion player with amazing Elo across the board. He is a difficult player to fight against as his Sword and Rod is absolutely insane. His bow is above average and his FnS aim is almost perfect.
#6 Lebron12/Tom
Also a NZ player, he is known as 'The Unkillable Tank.' Sword fight him and you are garanteed to die. Rod fight him and you have a very low chance, play defensive and you still have a low chance. Only reason why he is low on this list is because his KB is more based on luck, he doesn't use the rod as much as he should.
#7 ep1cn00bt00b/John
Have you ever tried to bow fight him? It's impossible ;-; Not only his bow skills is almost perfect, his rod and fns is outstanding. Although he is mediocre at sword.
#8 Vepster/Jarrod
Much like Lebron, he is more based on his sword, almost no one can beat him in a sword fight, rod fight you have a low chance, and play defensive he will most likely play smart and run. His jittering reduces his KB and his NZ ping gives him delayed KB, many people call him out for good reason, his little knockback and his jittering makes it so he can protentially beat anyone on this list.
#9 darkrai202/Nick
Nick was #2 on the Legacy Leaderboards with over 10k games played, he is more then capable of taking on anyone in the AU community, he plays very smart which lets him carry in most CB's. Although he isn't as good skill wise as he used to be making him to be so low on this list. If he never quit he would hands down be #1.
#10 GoudAlmighty/Nick
Just like ep1cn00bt00b he is insane at Bow, his bow aim is almost perfect. His NBN ping makes it so that he will Rod Combo the absolute crap outta you. He plays smart and uses his FnS to counter most sword users. Reason why his low on this list is mainly due to his ping, its more based on luck.

Honourable Mentions:
-Qvn/Kevin ;-;


If I missed anyone I'm sorry, but these are the people I find the most difficulty fighting, also I've actually fought them once or twice which lets me judge them. If I missed anyone please leave it down below in the thread and I'll consider adding them to 'Honourable Mentions'.
1. Gengar
2. Knowledgeguy
3. Darkrai
4. Lebron
5. Goud
6. Ronan
7. Nush
8. Vepster
9: Intellgient
10: Epic
BlueCrayyon's name is Jack.
My list would probably be:
1. Intelligent
2. Gengar
3. Randm
4. Darkrai
5. Knowledgeguy
6. Ep1c
7. Vepster
8. Goud
9: Nush
10: Lebron12
I haven't fought some of these guys enough to put them in their correct positions but this is my opinion.
Thanks homeboys.


Feb 11, 2016
Reaction score
Qvn hacked lmao, dean was selling his injection... and really Lebron xD
wtf i was selling his injection? Oh crap hope I didnt rat any1... to many injection client rats ive made


Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
Although Lebron is under-rated I wouldn't put him as high, but he does win usually win 1v1's against me. Ryan's FnS skills aren't the greatest xD. But his rodding is real good. Also I can beat Jayrid at sword, but maybe that's luck xd

My order based off players from your list, but not my list of top 10 players.
1. Gengar
2. Knowledgeguy
3. Darkrai
4. Jimmy
5. Ronan
6. Nush
7. Ep1c
8. Lebron
9: Jarrod
10: Goud
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Although Lebron is under-rated I wouldn't put him as high, but he does win usually win 1v1's against me. Ryan's FnS skills aren't the greatest xD. But his rodding is real good. Also I can beat Jayrid at sword, but maybe that's luck xd

My order based off players from your list, but not my list of top 10 players.
1. Gengar
2. Knowledgeguy
3. Darkrai
4. Jimmy
5. Ronan
6. Nush
7. Ep1c
8. Lebron
9: Jarrod
10: Goud
nice list but Randm should be there, he's better than Goud and Ronan imo


Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Although Lebron is under-rated I wouldn't put him as high, but he does win usually win 1v1's against me. Ryan's FnS skills aren't the greatest xD. But his rodding is real good. Also I can beat Jayrid at sword, but maybe that's luck xd

My order based off players from your list, but not my list of top 10 players.
1. Gengar
2. Knowledgeguy
3. Darkrai
4. Jimmy
5. Ronan
6. Nush
7. Ep1c
8. Lebron
9: Jarrod
10: Goud
You can beat anyone with sword rory?

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