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Top 10 AU (right now)


Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
These lists are of the current players, no old school players.

Top 10 individuals:
1. Combohs (when he is eating Chinese food)
2. Dean
3. knowledgeguy
4. Wiffy (in b4 called out for hacks)
5. McsgClient
6. gengarduck
7. AppleCiider (when I got arrows)
8. Enderrr (omfg philosophy on the list!!)
9. StinginRodger
10. RackemWille

Top 10 Clan battle players:
1. Dean (most cb history out of the whole community and with barely any loss.)
2. darkrai202
3. Intelligent
4. knowledgeguy
5. AppleCiider (I 4v1ed fundamental and won. Gg half a heart.)
6. Jordyy (only because he owns a clan which has above average stats)
7. D3ST1NY
8. Combohs
9. TeeArrr (I've seen him carrying some clan back in the day)
10. OrbWeaver101 (very underrated)

That's my opinion.
No one is worthy of top 10 on that list, Gengar is the most overrated player in AU, dean hacks and the rest are average. And about the clan battle carries only people worthy on that list are darkrai and intelligent (kinda). I know its your opinion but I think you're way off

Accurate list:
0.5. CalebJosh
1. JedsSister
2. Hiqh/Aiden
3. Nick/Darkrai
4. Jak/Excide
5. Intelligent
honestly cant tell from here on. Probs missed kids who deserve higher but cant be bothered thinking right now.
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