Everyone deserves forgiveness, wouldn't you agree? ;o
It's a case by case basis, every case is treated differently. Everything depends on the severity of the offences (eg someone that uses every hack possible will most likely not get unbanned before the person that just used aimbot). I can't really say how long you will stay banned but the Sr Staff are quite unsympathetic for people banned for hacking and for good reason, they're pretty much ruin most peoples MCSG games. I'm sorry to say this but it isn't looking good for you.
Wait a moment. First you say: (eg someone that uses every hack possible will most likely not getunbanned before the person that just used aimbot).
My friend was hacking. Got unbanned after first dispute. Or ppl like Pyr:
- tell me why he got unbanned for what reason when he was using like all hacks in the book.
Second: "Sr Staff are quite unsympathetic for people banned for hacking and for good reason"
For hacking? It is not even smooth aimbot dude, if you know what is smooth aimbot it is not like it stays in the hitbox, it is just aiming on your opponent Admins even don't know what it is because it is just aiming. Actually I can say that
Yannick was really nice for me(was)
Third: "I'm sorry to say this but it isn't looking good for you."
For what reason, did I do something wrong? I wasn't even hacking. It is not something obvious like Aimbot, kill aura, fly, water walking. "First person evidence is not sufficient"
Btw you said: (eg someone that uses every hack possible will most likely not get unbanned before the person that just used aimbot)
Then why Admins looking at me like on dirty hacker who plays his 5 games with hacks, without even care about game.