Name- Alex
Age- 14
Skype- Angryjukebox
In-GameName- Angryjukebox
ReasonforJoining- I'd like to join as I know I enjoyed the last stream, and I enjoy playing the survival games, thus wanting to have more of a challenge.
Timezone- EST+1 (Atlantic Standard Time)
Are you willing to change your skin?- Yeah, I should still have this one.
How long can you play?-Depending on when it is, hours at a time.
Are you willing to record? Of course, I'd love to.
What is your skill level?- I'd say, about 7/10, but that's up for debate as I Have great days, and bad days. It also depends on the environment, for example I'm playing SG4 with a ton of hackers...
Are you good at PvP?- Yeah, I'd say I'm fairly skilled.
Are you good at tactics?- I've got an arsenal of tactics that I often use, so yes, I am pretty decent at tactics.
Are you willing to follow all rules? Of course, I'm not a rebel
Additional Information- I *do* have a youtube channel, with ~subs, so I do have a (decent) audience. If needed, I could post this.