Hey, Theo with a Theory:
Adding a Incentive to Respectable Characters
If your a respectable character among the servers, as not hacking, swearing, abusing powers, and not being totally disrespectful, I think their should be a way to reward these players. I think I can agree with most people that the real honorable characters are the ones that do this without incentive. Unfortunately, given the state of the internet and the world, I think it's to much to ask for. So, if people are just being good people, I think MCSG should award them with maybe a badge of some sort, or a least something people see has a valuable thing to have.
(Badge? Points? Color? Higher Chances of becoming Mod?)
Note, this should be awarded after a long period of time (preferably two months) and can have continues upgrades/the ability to loose. Thus, people can't start being terrible people after they have been awarded it.
I'm going to repeat what I said before--"I think...that the real honorable characters are the ones that do this without incentive". I find this sad. My friends have had their dose of Cyber-bulling, as well as my twin brother with autism. I've experienced it as well. Yet, maybe if we rewarded the "good characters" in someway that it would inspire others to do it themselves.
Please continue discussing my idea. I want to see how it evolves, as I'm open to constructive criticism.