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OutE like belly button


Nov 29, 2015
Reaction score
Yo fam this is gonna be A generic mcsg quiting thread. Gonna have my whole Pvp story, but since its 11:07 and I have football practice in 7 hrs I need some sleep. Just wanna say, Ya I've made quiting threads b4, but I was still relatively interested in the game. But then today Im like, wait, I actually have a fkn life why not go out and live it. I realized this game became boring, and getting on ts felt like a routine when I got horribly bored roasting on ts. It's not the same as it used to be.
Why am I quiting some of you may be asking, cause the game just got boring. It's repetitive smacking men with my huge pixelated sword spamming a key bouncing up and down on the same block. I am currently in the offseason of a sport, and currently midseason of a different one. I'll explain why I don't have time anymore when I get not laZ and write the whole sob story you evil monkey worshippers will jizz too. Btw for future reference, to all those people who have the stamina to read this far, I still will occasionally get on and smack some genitalia around if you know what I mean, but it will be very infrequent.

Start of the sob story. It all happened in 2012. My irl friend Michael, few of you may know, introduced me to sg/blamph and to blueXephos, part of the yogscast. I liked blamph although was more intrigued by the tekkit series being produced by the yogscast. I remember staying up to 1 am, watching all the videos catching up. That was the best. I soon then after realized I wanted to play. I got the game and shared an acc with an irl friend, but soon then after got my first acc evilmonkeys139. The next issue was, since my parents were divorced, a desktop didn't seem to make sense, since I went back and forth between homes, all we had was a 7-10 fps laptop that my sis had. It sucked but I loved it. My friend elibgaff and I (irl friend from camp who is now 17) had a squad we talked to from the smp we were core members of, we ran a modded ftb server, and loved hive. We played that until we found mcsg. We found it, thought it was cool, realized we weren't good enough for it. We saw what used to be good clans scrimmage back in 2013 and I was envious, of course also confused. After realizing we were trash, we moved to the hypixel community, and there we became gods. At this time my current love for mechanical engineering was kicking in and in my spare time all I did was select soccer, and watch computer info vids. I got to the point where I built my own pc, (only at dads, since I had a horrible falling out with my mom which had me not going to her home for almost a year.) with my new pc and setup I quickly became the bow God of hypixel, now spamming and strafing. My friend elibgaff was better at sword pvp, as he self taught himself to s-tap, as you can see in his videos. Soon after we got like 1/3 ratios and did really well josh realized school and soccer were his main priorities and played a lot less. This is when I found roxbot. In 2013/2014 this was the best so many players better than me. That is how I found my first mcsg friend who I later found out to be an annoying squeaker cuntmuffin named oneohone. He made a clan called #dazzle and I joined. I never played and this is where I found absorbants and nintendonuts69 (he joined cb for very little time). After this 1 week clan disbanded I continued roxbot tryharding till I found r3kt_, one of my best friends online still. He taught me the ways of pvp and got me into 2 randy clans. I learned to rod and block hit spam and bow like a complete and utter God. After this clan we went to a clan called #corrupt, led by former Alpha member mrcolescout/lobbystats. He was a rod God then, and now is a youtuber. This was my squad.

I loved it in corrupt, we had a server, so we constantly practiced pvp, scrimped a lot and always talked. (I had a lot of spare time because by now I quit soccer after 8 yrs, so I could practice for my bar mitzvah.) this squad of cole, Huraii, the man who used to carry spookykittens, r3kt_ or luke, pimpmyogre, swiffty_, yellowchunkyyt, aaron_ I think, and some other guys were the most chill fun group ever. I would laugh all the time with this clan, and never did my hw cause I loved chilling with them. great times in other randy clans. im to lazy to type the whole story out (just did but accidentally cclicked off so it deleted it.

btw to all those that think i cheat, well i do and have. to get my client, highrise, contact tiberhockey. here is a link of my pvp with it
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Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Cya chubs jk, you were ok it was fun finding out about league together even though we sucked wienies ;)


Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
I just talked to you yesterday when you and swifty were roasting :(

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