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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!


Jul 25, 2014
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Merry Christmas MCGamer

This past year -

This past year sure has been an adventure for me. It’s been crazy going through all these weird parts of my life. From graduating high school, to starting college. It sure has sure been rough. But honestly as nerdy as this sounds, MCGamer has helped me get through it. I’ve met some of the best people in the past 4 ½ months I’ve been staff. So this is going to be the typical Staff forms post and thank and mention some of the best people around! <3

Im sorry in advance if I missed you, or if your note didn't make much sense... Im bad at explaining myself, and expressing how I feel. Lmao. <3
Patrified - Patrick. Of course I had to start off with you! I love you! YOU ARE GOALS! You are such a great person! You mean so much to me! You were literally my first true friend on MCGamer. You introduced me into the whole Staff community and help me realize that this is where I want to be. You are solely the reason that I even sent in my application! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. Love you fam! <3

Bree_ - BREEEEE! I don't know why you hate me, because I literally love you. like woooot. Please give me da looove. D: Nahh, but Bree, you are such a great friend! I can always count on you to be there to listen when I need someone to just rant to. 11/10 GREAT KID. Love you! <3

AndyPandy - MUUUUUAAHHHHHH! Ayo fam. You are so real it isn't even funny. I remember the first time we talked. We talked for a good 5-6 hours just being real with one another. It was great! I will never forget that! I'm very glad that I got to meet you, and continuously be friend with! I'll always be a simple text or snapchat away if you ever need my help! I 100% got your back fam! MAD RESPECT. RAAAAWWWRRR #CREDZ

Levi - LEVI! OMG! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I love the fact that you can put up with me when i'm in my "grumpy" moods xD You are such an awesome person Levi! I am very glad to call you one of my closest friends on the server! You have personally helped me with so much its unreal. I can always count on you for advice, or to help me get out of a mood. xD Which I seem to always be in. xDDD LEVI you are going to be stuck with me forever fam. You're screwed now ;)

chnxRoyalxD - VROOM VROOM! LETS START THIS RACE! Yo man! xD I remember the times we would race around the hub on the pets and just lowkey ignore the chat xD As bad as that sounds it was still one of the funniest moments as a staff member! xD Trying to get people to count down our race is the funniest ish ever! VROOM VROOM FAM! I WIN! SCRUB!

Nerdyy - NERDYY! YOU SMELL LIKE GRASS AND HOTDOG WATER! xD Nah, but for real. You are literally one of my best friends on this server fam. We may have fallen off a bit at times, but every time we come back and reconnect we pick up right where we left off! We've had some of the funniest moments together. We literally laugh at the most random ish ever. Like wot even. You're such a great kid man! I have mad respect for you! GO TO BED!

Kat - AYO FAM! HOLD DAT MIC DOE! Kat, we havent really talked much, or really gotten to connect a lot, but OH MY GOD! The other night on TS was hilarious! That will forever be our thing! xD You're such a great Sr. Mod Kat its unreal! You do great things! I'll always be here if you need me! <3

TheFinalShadowMC - *Puts boat in swimming pool* *Boats a crossed* *Gets away* LMFAO! That was literally the funniest thing in the world! xDD We died for the longest time! Like Woooot even was he doing!?!? He tried so hard to get away, that he deserved it! xD But yo man! You're such an awesome friend. You're probably the one I play with the most! We have the greatest time when we play! As all of your friends say, I guess we really are "Butt buddies" xD Lmfao! Idk. But yo. -6/10 great kid! <3 Stay safe in India!

TotalDramaTony - AYO FELICIA! EXCUSE ME!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU IS? Lmao, Tony. We have recently started to talk a lot more! Its been awesome! You have me dying literally every second we are in a chat together! xD I look forward to see us continue to be friends! We gotta stick together! #97Squad

Frankyy - FRANKYYYYYYYYYYY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I dont even know how explain our friendship! I dont even know what to type here. But just know.... That..... I... Love... You... <3 You are goals.

_Pyrrhic - Hey Pyrrhic! I know we had sort of a bad start, but I just wanted you to know, that you are a great Sr. mod! I hope all that went down in the past is 100% past us! Alright, cya!

Dylan // dylanz7040 - I don't know why Im writing this considering that you can not read. Well, if you need help reading this feel free to hit me up! xD Nah, but for real! Im glad that you got mod! Its awesome ti see someone from my area is Mod as well! :D :D :D You're such a great kid! DONT FORGET THAT! PS. Please get help reading this. thx

ShaiPR7 - Hey Shai! I remember that you were literally the first person that I ever recorded SG with. xD LMAO! I remember it took us FOREVER to get a recording... FML. xD But, still it was really fun! We need to play again some more! HMU FAM! <3

iRocki - VEGAS! WHATS UP FAM! HOW YA DOIN? Im not sure when you'll see this since you're never on xD But dude, you're such an awesome! You were another one of the first few people who I called my friend on the server, and as a mod! You're awesome! DONT FORGET THAT! <3

Kaylie | Holidays - Dont be Unpositive. <--- Literally my life motto. haha. We dont talk much! but from what I can tell you are an awesome person! :D

Drako - YO you were my old Mod buddy that literally didn't help me at all! D: D: D: JKJK Nah, you were a great mod buddy man! I LOVE YOU! The only thing I hat about you, is that I always have to carry you in CSGO. Like wot even fam. GET GOOD! xD LOVE YOU! <3 STAY SAFE!

I’m sorry to whomever I forgot. If I did not put you in this, Im 100% truly sorry. I did this at the last minute because I procrastinate WAAAAY too much… RIP. Just note, that if I did forget you, just PM me, and Ill add you in on this! :D

2016 -
Here's to another great year in the world we life in! Life may not always be going your way, but don't forget, everything always gets better! Live your life with a positive attitude and things will turn out your way, no question!

I hope everyone has the best possible Holiday season, and upcoming year!



Last edited:


Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Dylan // dylanz7040 - I don't know why Im writing this considering that you can not read. Well, if you need help reading this feel free to hit me up! xD Nah, but for real! Im glad that you got mod! Its awesome ti see someone from my area is Mod as well! :D :D :D You're such a great kid! DONT FORGET THAT! PS. Please get help reading this. thx
Umm, Please read this to me later! But for real, Thank you so much <3


Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
I know I am not one of your friends, but I hope you have a great Christmas aswell!


Team Representative ♫ Recruitment
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
I love you so much have a merry christmas and I will hold dat mic!


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Awwww Charles! You are such a bae tbh. You are such a fun person to be around, low key, you are fun, easy going, down-to-earth and just an overall amazing person. I am glad I randomly joined that TS channel to talk to you and Patrick, because honestly, that started a really amazing friendship, and I wanna do nothing but continue the good times with you.

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