Well, this has been an extremely interesting thread to read. I've spent the better part of an hour reading this and trying to decipher all of the arguments. I wasn't actually going to respond to this thread at all for fear of stepping on some peoples' toes, but in the end I could not resist. I apologize if at all during this response I offend anyone - that is not the intention whatsoever. I simply wish to present my perspective to everyone.
I'm not nearly as smart as either
Mooclan or
Tenebrous12321, I freely admit it. As a lowly English major from Trent University in Canada, I don't nearly have the formal schooling nor philosophical background that is necessary in order to really insert myself into this argument. However, as an innocent bystander (
please don't shoot me), I'd like to mention a couple of points that I noticed in the discussion.
@FellowCanadian, Eh: Your arguments are generally very sound. Although that statement may have some personal bias to it as I am an admirer of both your forum exploits and your theological arguments, I'm still going to say it. Regarding your overall debating tactics, I believe that the key to religious debates in the 21st century is to explain yourself in a manner that any human being can both understand, and relate to. Before I have angry dissenters descend upon me and explain away as to why that is such a hypocritical statement, know this. When I state that it is important to avoid both literal and figurative language enjambment, I do not speak for my religion (Christianity). Yes, I admit that there are some Christian debaters who have it wrong. I cringe at the screaming evangelists that come to your door and shove materials in your face, begging you to join their church group for just one solitary Thursday night. To me, that's not the way Christianity should be portrayed.
The Bible says in Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Now obviously, I'm not refuting that what the Bible says regarding evangelizing and spreading faith is completely false. I went to Nova Scotia a couple years back for a missions trip, and happily took part in the very same activities - walking down the sun-lit beach and giving out gospel tracts and Vacation-Bible-School flyers to anyone who had ears to hear and eyes to view me.
What I'm trying to say is that people need to understand and come to terms with their faith themselves. I'm not going to be the one to tell someone, "you need to understand this and believe this because of X, Y, and Z." My personal belief (
and this has changed since I came back from Nova Scotia), is that if someone wants to place their faith in an almighty deity and worship him as the son of God, or any other form of God, so be it. I will lovingly support them with every fiber of my being, because in the end: it's about loving other people, not vindicating why your belief is better than someone else's because of A, B, and C points. If you doubt the authenticity of this view, the Bible clearly asks us to love our neighbours as ourselves, as found in Mark's re-telling of the Ten Commandments. Mark 12:31 says,"The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Overall, good showing dude. I'm impressed with your arguments and the way you portrayed them. Bravo to you. By the way, I sent you a PM regarding some old stuff I wanted to talk to you about. You should read it.
@Tenebrous: For you, I have a few other remarks. I'm sorry that they won't be as positive as my comments for Moo, but I'll try to be as unbiased as possible. I am a Christian, so please know that I don't wish to impose any false sense of superiority on you.
You use a lot of big words that I had to Google quite a few times. Epistemology? Axiomatically? These are just two examples. As I went into in detail above in my comments for Moo, in the 21st century you need to appeal to every audience when formulating your argument - especially in a setting such as this. The MCGamer forums is a place where children go to have fun and hang out with their friends. If a thirteen year old kid came across this thread and tried to make sense of the banter between you and Moo, the kid likely wouldn't get very far. Heck, I'm an 18 year old guy who goes to a well-respected university in one of the most advanced and politically stable countries in the world, and on top of that: I'm an English major. I write for an education. As someone who has a fairly sizable command of the English language, I found it somewhat humorous that I had trouble deciphering your argument in some instances. My advice for next time is to try and get your points across without a) using flowery language and large words that only a select few can understand, and b) insulting your opponent in a roundabout manner, a method I noticed you employed several times over the course of your responses. Obviously, you are under no obligation to heed any of my suggestions. I'm simply speaking from what I saw as an objective third party individual that viewed the argument from an outside point of view.
In terms of your overall performance, I'm impressed with you as well. Just like Moo, you put forth some good points, and I applaud your overall argument. It was extremely well-formulated and you had the sources to back them up. While the sources were not always reliable, they were sources nonetheless. For that, I applaud you.
Now, to turn to what the original poster of the thread stated, I've got this response for you. Ultimately, it all comes down to what is right for you.
BitoBain, my advice to you is to simply be his/her friend. The greatest thing you can do for someone is to listen. as someone who is speaking from personal experience, I can say with confidence that a listening ear is one of the greatest gifts you can ever bestow upon someone. Fun fact that nobody in the community knows (
and y'all will be the first to know, how lucky you are), I have several conditions, both mental and physical, that inhibit my daily ability to function properly. To name a few: anorexia, depression, suicidal thoughts, abusive guardians, GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and GSAD (Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder). These (and many more) issues plague my lifestyle, until it gets to the point where I am unable to leave my bed. I've spent days at a time lying in bed because I am too afraid to leave my "comfort zone", so to speak. Thankfully, I am lucky enough to have a girlfriend who is my best friend, a person who can always listen to my problems (
and God knows I have a lot of them). There will be days when I have anxiety attack after anxiety attack worrying about various issues. I thank God every day that I've been blessed with someone who is willing to listen to my messed up life and everything that is wrong with it.
Bito, the best thing you can do is listen. As I just related, my life would be so much less than it is now if I didn't have someone to talk to. Obviously, your friend is going through a rough emotional patch right now. If you can spend some time listening to your friend and allowing them to open up to you regarding whether they should leave their religion, or stay in the current one, I can guarantee you that your friendship will grow exponentially. As long as you listen with an open heart and an open mind that is free from personal and religion bias, I promise that your friend will appreciate your effort.
Note: yo,
Col_StaR. It's good to see you man. We all miss you.
Note 2: I'm sorry if I got a little carried away in my response. I see a controversial topic such as this, and my old Sr. Staff brain kicks in and I just can't help myself. If anyone has any questions at all, please feel free to respond and I'll try to help you understand my points further.