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Top 50 AU PvPers and Top 5 AU Clans of all time.


Oct 26, 2015
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After constant discussion between me and Nick on who we believe were the best players in AU and the many, many top 5 AU pvper threads, we have decided to make our list public, unbiased and reviewed multiple times and this is what we came up with. Anyone that disagrees is welcome to hear me out but hear I present you, on behalf of me and darkrai202, the top 50 best players of all time in AU and the top 5 clans in AU (Including a top 5 AU clans list excluding clans with me and Nick involved).

Top 50 AU Pvpers of all time

1. Darkrai202
2. Quackeryy
3. Stigjam89
4. Kytria
5. Snochet65
6. Topgear72
7. Dinosuar_Dan101
8. GengarHD
9. Juzzyy
10. Intelligent/Asterion
11. Knowledgeguy
12. Billabongboy98
13. Blakew447
14. Xestros_
15. Notverified
16. Alex_T101
17. Red_Dog1234
18. Ninjachicken
19. Flok
20. Mustyleaf4
21. RobertGoodwin
22. Cobalt101
23. Dean/Alts
24. Somrandm
25. xLukie
26. Squidman9
27. Damoisawesome
28. Thedorkyd1
29. AlLuc
30. Gianteye123
31. Bugman12
32. Da_Goose22
33. Jordyy
34. Kooksey99
35. Jewlx
36. Julianpaladin
37. Lebron12
38. NakedNarwhal
39. Jakman
40. Dejay_
41. Rhinoviru5
42. TheJuicyGypsey
43. ep1cn00bt00b
44. Attention_Seeker
45. Psystrom
46. Kaine17
47. Killer201101
48. Wertea
49. Ogordon123
50. Soslolbrbg2g

Top 5 AU Clans of all time

1. Phoenix
2. Poets
3. Purple Cobras
4. Envy
5. Apex

Top 5 AU Clans of all time
(excluding clans involving Nick)

1. Envy
2. Apex
3. Exile
4. NuggetZ
5. Fade
For some reason I think this list is biased.

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