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Zables Goodbye thread / My Story


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I already made some sort of a goodbye thread but I wanna make like a good one since Im for sure quitting tomorrow meaning nobody will hear from me nowhere besides the people that I know care about me. I will still be in contact here and there.

This community has given me many things and a lot of them are pretty positive not gonna lie it has made my time really great. On another side it has brought me negative things too that I wasnt able to see through my time here.

Im gonna start with my story sort of since I have never done one.

I used to be one of those kids that was a fun of the BajanCanadian spanish so I used to fanboy over them and stuff and I saw that they played this server back in june 2013 or so. So I decided to spend 20 euros on a premium account and straight up get on the server. I honestly loved it so much. At that time I used to have everyserver like us1.mcsg.in us2.mcsg.in, I even reached a point at which I had 154 I remember haha. It was a struggle to scroll all the way down and find the exact number. Anyway, that summer was really fun and thats where I met some spanish friends that I relaly had so much fun playing with cause we were really bad. At that time I remember having like 300 points was like such a high accomplishment oh man. I also remember seeing SpidersFTW in lobby and he had like 85k points and talk to my spanish friends like guys I saw another player with lke 85k points and we would all be like daaamn dude. I will later know who he was and stuff but we would be so amazed. I tried getting the old convos but unfortunatelly skype sucks and I wasnt able to but we would 14 team legit 14 team on skype with our horrible mics getting sht fps and still have fun. From there I met my two really good spanish friends called David and Adrian, I know they are not gonna see this but we still talk till this day and I consider them friends.

The summer went through and I ended up leaving for my exchange student year. At that point I didnt pay attention into hunger games as I played Comptetive COD and I was way more into that, Since my family there would not let me touch the xbox during weekedays I quit that and started playing more mcsg. I remember making some southamerican friends which names I cant remember besides OSCARVENTURA and barely any one else. It was pretty fun and I started getting better. This was around sept-oct and thats when I made my forums account. I then saw DeeRose7 on the hub and went on the same game, I asked her to team and said that I some how got in a call with her and with TripToRomania who at that time was pretty famous imo or was known. We became pretty good friends and played 24/7 and stuff. At that point I got to know Jackieloves8 hanna something and DomoJackson and huntarr_ too. We were pretty cool friends and used to team all the time on skype. I got to meet one really good friend of mine called Lucas but we havent talked in forever even tho he is hilarious. Aw man the memories. Anyway. At that time I was trying to get better so I saw this guy called vnguy20 right, and I started trolling him like whats that gay name like the guy thing and we ended up being pretty good friends and he taught me how to pvp and like hotbar setup and such. This was around, December-January. I remember a really epic game on TSG2 in which the other guy had like diamond pants and there was a mod there too like there was pressure you know and I won by like 1 heart and Idk it was awesome. I was like did you see that? daaaamn. Around mid-late January 2014 trip joined a clan and I said damn that looks fun like competitive and stuff. Since that point it all started up. At the same exact moment that vnguy20 asked me to join #Illusion which was his clan and I remember asdfish was in there and it was so fun. Didnt last for long but I remember my frist cb was a 3v3 on Wyverns wake against BacccaPlaysMC, CubedFruits and xFlyPlaysMC, at that point didnt know who they were but after I got to know who they were I was like daamn. Is a shame that all of them quit. After that we were like on lobby and I remember Mendoza510 started talking crap and I was like dude pls btu I didnt know who he was. When I look back and see all of this, I cant help but smile tbh. Illusion didnt last long so around mid-late February I didnt have a clan and I went on the forums and I looked up all the clans and saw one page that had like a huuuuuge banner and it looked awesome so I applied and went to the hub. That clan was Instinct. Lead by Nooby Nick(Mined) and parwez. I saw parwez was on the hub and I told him I applied and I got accepted for trial and started playing and stuff. At that time Afro, brezzy, frezzy and some other people. We started getting together and eventually get more members and became pretty good at teamwork and stuff. I remember when we used to inner clan battle always like never cb another clans. A little bit before this I got to know michael sanders through deerose and we became really good friends. Also around this time I met PeriH_ we would always team andtry to improve together and stuff we had so much fu, unfortunatelly she quit and I dont know what happened to her but if anybody reading this that know about here please contact me. After some ups and downs with Exodus we became a family and I still love everyone is pretty sad that we actually split apart and stuff but it was one hell of a ride. I hope we can reunite.

After the year was done I came back to spain and was playing on the EU servers so I made my own clan which went kinda good imo. After that I joined rebels which was at that time the best eu clan and it was awesome I met really cool people and really good friends that I still talk to this day, maybe not as much but stiull really glad that I joined. I mean it was the top for me.

Unfortunatelly in August I left cause I got grounded. Aroudn that time Rebels started dying due to people loosing motivation and such, I decided to join Emperors to make new friends since I knew Sander from Rebels and I met pretty cool people and such it was an awesome experience.

Around February decided to join Phoenix cause I felt like it was a really chill clan and didnt play as much mc back then and I wasnt wrong I remember my time there was awesome and really chill, still couldnt really play.

Now Id like to apologize cause I didnt really aport anything to those clans and kinda clan hopped onto them :c. So sorry about that.

Some time went by that I cant really remember and I finally got ungrounded and was able to play so I joined Ritual/Trivium and it was awesome, finally got to know Austin and he is a really chill guy he gets so much hate Idk. I became prety close with Scout and beaver.

During the summer went on and off and wasnt really active, then septemeber came and decided to become more active even tho the clan scene was dead. I decided to give it a shot leading rebels, it went better than expected but didnt last long as I discovered I suck at leading and didnt really have as much time to take care of it as Id have liked to. I met really awesome people like ben(both), salaft, deqay, strafe, lorey and such

I then decided to give US Clans a shot since I like it way more than EU and applied for Alliance. I loved the clan and met really awesome people like Jawshy, Kyle, Robbie, Frosty,Excl, poke, erwyn, drake, crimson, anthony, joey, defresa. We were a pretty good clan imo. I ended up getting officer but was the only one trying to keep the clan active cause everybody played uhc so rip.

After this I just thought about quitting and Im gonna go ahead.

Im honestly gonna miss this community a lot and I made some friends that I will be keeping in my irl life but this is dying out, even tho people say is not. It is, there is no discussion. Anyway, I wish I could look at my old screenshots and stuff but I lost it all so yeah.

Shoutout to everyone that was friends with me and had a good time. I wanna leave this song cause I love it.
Tonight Im gonna pack up my computer and sell it wont be loggin into anything in a long time. I think it was one hell of a journey. Much love and peace <3


District 13
Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score
It is always sad to see someone leave the community.
Good luck in life! Hope you find happiness and success in your future endeavors. :)


Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Yo Zable cx it was fun scrimming and talking with you on The Alliance ts u were a really chill dude if u want hmu on Hollows ts so we can talk cx throwback to when u said our clan cape was cool


Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
I miss those days ... Everybody thought that I was playing with cheats.As i said before you will be missed <3


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Will miss you man :/
Will miss you too <3
It is always sad to see someone leave the community.
Good luck in life! Hope you find happiness and success in your future endeavors. :)
ty very much I will definatelly try and find it :)
peace yo
send me nudes b4 u go???
want back or front bb
I miss those days ... Everybody thought that I was playing with cheats.As i said before you will be missed <3
ty man <3
Team pls i fna ;-;
no more team im afraid ;-;
Yo Zable cx it was fun scrimming and talking with you on The Alliance ts u were a really chill dude if u want hmu on Hollows ts so we can talk cx throwback to when u said our clan cape was cool
Will hope on some time I still have ts on my phone c: you are hella chill too bro, make hollow work :)

Now Is the time I guess. Peace


Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
I only talked to you once but god you were a funny chap. The most random conversation I've ever had but boy did I enjoy it. Really chill and I wish I could of met you before and talked more. Oh well good luck in life bud. Still send us links to your new fav songs :)

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