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Goodbye MCSG, Hello MCG


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Seeya bro :( It's sad to see you go, but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
Now you know how I feel lol.

I never knew why you hated me ever since I became a moderator on Vast.

Anyway goodbye
I never hated you, but there's always hope to get unbanned never give up!
Ayy look at me being all inspiring n stuff.
I understand not wanting to play and stuff but I hope you still find time just to muck around for fun like I have been. Take care of youself (and Morgan) c:
I might but would be on alts if anything, not really interested in the gamemode anymore but who knows what the future holds.
I will miss ya Glen and will always remember you as a good builder :( But I'm sure we will talk on other teamspeaks in the future ;)
Maybe who knows ;)
Such a disappointment to see you go. I loved your map Construct, and I was extremely happy that you gave me the link so I could make a video about it. It's a shame to see you go this way Glen but I'm hoping your future will be much better tha staying here :)

You were banned for making a fan-fic? That's absolutely absurd if I'm understanding this correctly.
I didn't make just posted it in the hub ;-;
I honestly want to cry.. I really don't want you to leave. You better still talk to me! Not letting one of my favorite Aussie's disappear from me haha <3
I might still be on teamspeak occasionally but I just have no attentions of playing anymore :c
Sad to see you leaving :c
I'm gonna miss you Glen ;-;
Sad to see you go :c
Sad to see you go Glen, good luck in life! :/
Love you guys <3
Boobye Glen! Everyone here knows that you made an incredible, beautiful and enjoyable map! You're a very talented person alongside with your helpers, you will be dearly missed, but Construct will always be remembered as you.

See ya next time Glen/Berserker! :)
Well, I know we probably didn't have the best relationship, but I enjoyed all the banterous calls you made towards me. You were one of the funniest people I've met on here so thank you for the good times.
werz ur frind rank ?!1111 ;)
Make that 2 good builders who arnt playing anymore
me and amazing? cx pfftt he's ez buulda
Keep in touch mate, Mary's always here ahah xD
Love you marty the numbers guy
Seeya bro :( It's sad to see you go, but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
thank you, you too :)


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
I never hated you, but there's always hope to get unbanned never give up!
You got me banned though and you've always acted like you did. I'll take your word for it though.


May 21, 2015
Reaction score
Goodbye.. :( Btw the word "found" u spelled it wrong ;-; if u are on google chrome just do alt+f and then type in fond :( Cya


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
I never hated you, but there's always hope to get unbanned never give up!

I might but would be on alts if anything, not really interested in the gamemode anymore but who knows what the future holds.

Maybe who knows ;)

I didn't make just posted it in the hub ;-;

I might still be on teamspeak occasionally but I just have no attentions of playing anymore :c

Love you guys <3

werz ur frind rank ?!1111 ;)

me and amazing? cx pfftt he's ez buulda

Love you marty the numbers guy

thank you, you too :)
I'm going to quit if Lakssys doesn't get accepted. So can u get in contact with alpaka. Don't just be selfish and give up on getting the map accepted because u quit please.


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
I'm going to quit if Lakssys doesn't get accepted. So can u get in contact with alpaka. Don't just be selfish and give up on getting the map accepted because u quit please.
Please nerd. I did alot of redstoning on the map


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys this thread has been coming and delayed for a long time now, I was planned to leave as soon as it was announced that my map was being accepted. I'm not really leaving but I wont be active on the forums or ingame for that matter. I will still build for Red Forest because I'm really enjoying it at the moment. I just have no intentions to play mcsg anymore. I still have a map I'm working on maybe one day I'll release it but who knows. If you know my twitter I might post updates on there but for now I'm not gonna. If you ever wanted to know what I look like or anything here I'm on the left by the way, but that's not what we're here for.

If you don't know who I am, my name is Glen I have many IGNs including Glen, Berserker and Bsrkr, but mainly go by Berserker in game. I started playing minecraft in 2010 griefing my friends servers as usual. I got the name Berserker from Runescape way back I loved the name but my friends hated tp-ing to me because it was too long to type so I shortened it and I got Bsrkr from then I bought the account Bsrkr.

Today is my 2 year anniversary woo! but with celebrations there's always an ending. I joined this server way back in 2012 with an old mate TOXICWASTEII who I used to play a small youtuber SMP, I didn't know much about other gamemodes in minecraft because my internet was absolutely shocking. Still is. But me and him came on played MCSG for a bit and TF2 for hours. But this friendship would soon be over we had a great time talking but IRL things for me got in the way back then. We lost contact and I lost contact as a MCGamer player. A few months later I join a new SMP called OreShore where I met S1kBruZZ in late 2012. I didn't really know him much but he seemed like a nice guy and came from the same city. We started properly playing MCSG in about February we played for a few months and went to that bee server. I came back to MCSG but he continued to play on bee server.

I played for a few minutes everyday by myself. I never teamed never got mad at teamers I just played, played for fun. I wish I could go back to this stage but it was such a long time ago and the server has drastically developed to something better. It was mid August 2013, I got my first ever ban. I was banned for admitting to hacks. It wasn't my fondest moment or smartest but I was unaware of the rules. I got banned for a week. I stopped playing for a few months, still I started playing again with S1kBruZZ we were back again. The date was December 2013 we had matching skins omg we were so goals. Us at the time just being me and him decided we'd find new people by going on the teamspeak. We went on the teamspeak and fond someone by the name of iHuntHeads what a legend at this time, he seemed chill respected the rules and was just there for a good time. Also met one of my old mates and first ever minecraft gril @saltypepps she was strange still is lmao, but she introduced me to so many different people including Julia , OfficialSimran and others that I can't really remember. DoubleEss i'll never forget you bby :*

This brings on to the stage of #Plastics an AU Clan made around a similar clique to the one from "Mean Girls" which is a made chickflick. I applied and not expecting to get on, I did. We started off a small clan with about 6 of us. The clan was all fun and jokes. We played for fun and not to win. We won in style. for a few months our clan doubled and I started meeting new members of this server including a bunch of moderators. People like Blake would come on the teamspeak and just have banter on kit servers and sg. Can't forget meeting Kat she is if not the nicest person I have ever met on this server. She couldn't hurt a fly. I'm glad you're a Sr Mod you're a great asset to everyone and every staff member on this server.

But as everything is happy, the worst follows.

I got perm banned, I was heartbroken I never thought this was gonna happen I was having so much fun with everybody. I went from playing SG with Huahwi talking and being a well known player in the AU Community to being no one. This was heartbreaking to me. I loved this server and the feeling of never being able to come back was saddening. I got banned for abuse by sharing a fan fic which I didn't make. It had two Sr. Mods in it. It was a silly idea and this was March 2014.

More real life stuff now, I wasn't in the best of moods for the year. I became lazy didn't go out much stayed at home a lot and just really didn't have a life. But this year has meant a lot to me I've met some amazing people I've done some things I've never ever thought I'd do. It was a clean slate.

August I came back, seeking for refuge. I was luckily enough to be unbanned I was shocked I went from being perm banned for over 18 months to be coming unbanned. I had mixed emotions about this because I wasn't sure if I really wanted to play minecraft anymore. I wanted to finish something I started. What's that you say? It's about a minecraft map I made the start for 2014 called Construct. It got a lot of praise but never really got to the stage of being a map that people played on. I rebuilt this whole map within a week. I was and still am really proud of how it turned out.

I was laying in bed and got a message from the almighty Alpaka, saying that he wanted to release it. I was quiet at first and then just told everybody, all my hard work finally paid off. This was amazing. But with amazing there's always the bad things. I was getting a lot of backfire from the map as it was being overplayed. At first I didn't mind it but it got really hard when I was having family issues and a loss of one of my family members. This community turned into something I didn't think it would. Everyone started whining at the silliest of things.

After all this died down I went from playing SG to sitting in the hub waiting for people who I really cared about to come on. It came to a stage where all my friends who played just don't play anymore and the server was becoming old to me but not to new players. I think this really gave me a mindset of what needed to be done.

I wanna take this section to all the people that made me feel at home during this time.
OhRebirth 2many names
everyone else who used to come on the plastics teamspeak way back
LilBub for being a really caring player and person way back at the start of last year. Loved those early vast days
Lebron12 for carrying dauntless with cold hands ;)
@ will add more just so hard to remember people cx and if I forgot you please reply and you will be added :) these were just the old school people I've known since the start.
cheers catty for inspiring me to make one
omg deep miss you glen and all the other guys

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